Hope Beyond Chaos 4: The Chorus of the Saved Judges 5:1-31 Jodie McNeill – 25 & 26 May 2019

The joy of an __________  victory.

We sing when we are overcome with ___.

Singing expresses a deep _____.

It’s a joy when people gladly ______ their leaders.

Our praise is to be heard by ________.

The Lord ________ them victory.

We don’t believe in ______.

Drought reminds us of our __________ on God.

The Lord sent a ______ for Israel.

In their ________, the Lord was with them.

They took ________ by remembering the Lord’s victories.

Despite their military power, the enemy was ________.

The evil man is ____________ by God’s woman.

She _________ the horrors of rape in war.

The Lord ______ their battles and was victorious.