Coming up this weekend 9-10 November

This week our Acts series, ‘Launching the Church’, follows Paul in Athens as he proclaims the truth about the Saviour, Jesus Christ, from Acts 17:16-34. We’ll see how Paul talks to a group of deep thinkers about why God is real and how they need to respond. It’s a great example of connecting with people in a relativistic world with lots of gods and idols.

We also have a weekly question time during our services. If you have a question, please fill out a response slip or send an email to us. Here are the questions we’re answering this weekend:

1 Who are the modern-day equivalents of the ancient Bereans?
2 If Lydia never heard Paul’s message would she be in Heaven?
3 If God wants everyone to believe in Him then why does he choose only some people?
4 In Acts 16 how did the slave girl predict the future?
5 Are people still possessed by spirits and demons like the fortune-telling woman?
6 Is it necessary to get baptised?
7 Will everyone in the same household be saved?
8 Does the Apostles Creed include all we need to believe for salvation and thus fellowship?
9 Will traditional Catholics go to heaven?

Please join us for church this Saturday at 5pm, with a kids’ program, followed by dinner and then a youth group for the teens. Or come this Sunday at 9am for a more classic Anglican style service and we can chat over morning tea and hot espresso!

Grace and peace,