Prayer for the Pandemic

In a year that has seen bushfire and flood emergencies, we are now bracing for a further escalation of the ‘Coronavirus’.

As fears grow that the COVID-19 virus will soon be declared a global pandemic, our Prime Minister has now announced the launch of a plan to respond to the rapid and uncontrollable spread of this disease.

Like the fire and flood emergencies, we are again facing an emergency that we are powerless to control in our own strength.

This is the same realisation that drove so many Australians to their knees in prayer, as we collectively asked the true and living God to send saturating rain to quench the flames and the drought. 

Now is the time for our world to gather to ask the Lord of the universe to miraculously stop the spread of this destructive disease, and to help restore communities crippled by the effects of this virus.

When we pray, we acknowledge our powerlessness and our need for a genuine, super-power.

For if Trump and Jinping, are unable to come up with a way to fix this crisis, then again it shows that faith in technology is no match for faith in Jesus.

And so, as we prayed for rain to fix the fires and drought, let us pray that God would stop the spread of this virus.

Yet above all, pray that this global threat might lead people to acknowledge their genuine need of Jesus, and bring them to genuine repentance and true faith in Christ.

For the same Lord who stopped the plague when King David repented of his arrogance (2 Samuel 24:25) is the same Lord who is also able to answer our prayer for our planet.

Let us pray that our planet might come in great number before the Lord in repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.


(Photo credit: Alexander Mueller via