Ephesians: United with Christ Talk 16: Families and Workplaces Ephesians chapter 6 verses 1 to 9 Jodie McNeill – 21-22 November 2020

Read the manual

Our manufacturer has given us a ______

All people are equally _________ to God

Children are equally important in ______

Children must ____ their parents

This commandment comes with a _______

The promised land is the ___ Jerusalem

Dads need to take ______________

Dads mustn’t make their kids _____

Dads should train their kids to be __________

Good __________ leads to self-discipline

The married relationship takes ________

First century slavery is like modern __________

Slaves need to obey their _______

Slaves should serve _______ like they’re serving Jesus

Work for your ____ like you’re working for the Lord

Masters must be ____ and loving

Employers need to be ____ and loving

Seek and offer ___________

Consider Christ