1 Corinthians: A Loving Church – 3: The Power of the Cross – 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 – Jodie McNeill – 29-30 October 2022

Taking grace for granted

The glorious light of the ___________

Not by _____, but by faith

The _____ of the cross

Paul’s main purpose was to ______

Paul chose to avoid ______ speech

Clever speech robs the cross of its _____

The cross was ________

The cross of Christ seemed so ______

The cross is the only way to be ________

Do you _______ it?

We long for the day when Jesus will ______

It’s ______ to reject the cross of Christ

Human wisdom preaches a message that _____

Our preaching of the cross is _____________

Christ is the power and the wisdom of ___

The cross will seem stupid and _________

Grace is _____________

The power of the cross

1 Corinthians: A Loving Church – 2: Unity In Christ – 1 Corinthians 1:10-17 – Jodie McNeill • 22-23 October 2022

Disunity is Death

Paul wants them to live in _______

We must be _______ in the name of Jesus

The _____ matters

We pursue _____, even if it causes _________

Our divisions can be _________-based

We are to be ______ and united

They divided into different ________

They divided according to their ______

Their ___________ shaped their behaviour

Christ is ______, so we should be, too

Church is all about _____

There’s a valid reason to ______ a Christian leader

The most important thing is to ______ the Good News

Paul chose to avoid ______ speech

The _______ shapes the method

Our united church is a ____ from God

Equal and _________

Some issues do need to ______ a church

The truth about Jesus matters more than _____

Pray for wisdom and ____

1 Corinthians: A Loving Church – 1: The Gift of Grace – 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 – Jodie McNeill • 15-16 October 2022

Amazing Grace

Grace really is ____

Grace brings special _____ to the church

The church in Corinth was _______

A ______ church

Paul was a _______ person in the church

Sosthenes is his ______

There’s ultimately only ___ church

‘Holy’ means being set apart and _________

Our holiness comes from ______

He prays for more _____ and _____

Paul begins by ________ God for them

Jesus gives us what we ____ to live and serve

The Corinthians were attracted to _______ things

They appear to be very _____

By receiving these gifts, they get _________

We ____

When Jesus returns we’ll be _________

We should long for the day when Jesus will ______

Jesus will never leave us _____

We need God’s grace to help us ____