Rest Fund

Our Parish Council is promoting an ordinance to Standing Committee to modify the REST fund to enable us to access the capital of the fund, not just the earnings, in order to improve and maintain our church facilities. Read the official notice below.

Messiah Masterclass 14 – ‘Who ya gonna call?’ – Matthew 14 – Jodie McNeill – 6 & 7 November 2021

Who ya gonna call?

___ do you think Jesus is?

Jesus was famous, powerful, and ___________

The _________ world is normal and natural

Herod thought Jesus was powered by John’s _____

John spoke against Herod’s _______ marriage

Herod ________ John by imprisoning him

John was ________ for annoying the king’s wife

Jesus ___ away from Herod

Jesus had __________ on the crowd

The disciples wanted the hungry crowd to go ____

The miracle shows Jesus’ _____ over the natural world

Jesus is the Lord, the ________

Jesus went away to ____

Jesus shows his _______ over creation

Jesus is I __

Jesus saved Peter when his faith was _____

The disciples __________ Jesus

Lunatic, liar… or ____

Messiah Masterclass 13 – ‘Parables of the Kingdom’ – Matthew 13 – Jodie McNeill – 30 & 31 October 2021

Inside joke

Parables were like ‘in _____’

Jesus didn’t tell this parable _____

Parables are stories that teach a special _____

Parables are not for _________

Jesus’ parables are told to Old Testament ______

Isaiah’s job was to ______ the hearts of God’s people

Jesus is finishing the job of _________ Israel’s hearts

The disciples get to know the _____ of the Kingdom

We need to _______ God’s word properly

Don’t let the highs and lows of life ____ you from Jesus

God’s kingdom will start small, but grow ____

Jesus brings the Messiah’s care to _____

Jesus is making _________ Day clear to his disciples

Do everything to be in the Kingdom of ______

We must value the Old and the New __________

Salvation is a ____ that none of us deserves

Messiah Masterclass 12 – ‘The Sign of the Servant’ – Matthew 12 – Jodie McNeill – 23 & 24 October 2021

We’re getting good at legalism

God’s _____ is at his heart

Serving the king mattered more than keeping the ___

The Pharisees didn’t know the _____ of God

The Pharisees wanted to charge Jesus with a _____

The law-lovers want to kill the author of ____

God has put his ______ in his Servant

Without Jesus there is no ____

Jesus rebukes their claim that he’s _______

Only the Spirit of ___ can win over the spirit of Satan

People reject the ______ when they reject Jesus

The unforgivable sin is permanently _________ Jesus

The window of opportunity is _______

The only sign will be the empty ____

This is the generation that ________ their Messiah

To join Jesus’ family, just do the ____ of God

Legalism kills, but grace _____

Messiah Masterclass 11 – ‘War and Peace’ – Matthew 11 -Jodie McNeill • 16 & 17 October 2021

Hopelessness is related to helplessness

We easily forget we need a _______

Lack of performance leads to a lack of ____

Jesus’ core business was teaching and _________

Jesus pointed to his signs and _______

Jesus shows he is the Messiah by his _______

Jesus didn’t fit the _____ of the Messiah

John didn’t look like a _________

John was the greatest _______ act

Jesus is as _____________ as anyone can be

They were _______ from the truth

They wouldn’t ______ and they wouldn’t believe

Their blindness was a _________ thing

It’s a ____ from God, from start to finish

Jesus spoke to the ________ who were hopeless

‘Rest’ is about life in the _______ of heaven

Jesus offers us ______

As he brings us help, he brings us hope 

Messiah Masterclass 10 – ‘Sent to Serve’ – Matthew 10 – Jodie McNeill – 9 & 10 October 2021

A long time in politics

We’re looking at The _______ Discourse

Jesus sets the framework for his _______

Jesus gave his twelve disciples a special _________

Jesus showed true human _________ over creation

Jesus was going to be ________

Friendly fire is very _______

The apostles had a special focus on ______

_________ was the priority

It is a ______, not a holiday

Rejecting an apostle is like rejecting the _______

The apostles will be ________ for representing the Messiah

Trials and hardships can lead to amazing __________

Families will be deeply _______

The Son of Man comes at the _____

Expect to be ________ for following Christ

It’s all about ________, for the days are numbered

We really must put Jesus _____

Get ready to be ________ for following Jesus

Everything matters because the Lord has ____