The Message of the King 1: Honour the King – Malachi 1:1-14 – Jodie McNeill – 26th November 2023

Classless Aussies?

God’s people developed very bad ______

They lived at a very different ____ to us

Malachi helps us know how to ______ Jesus

They don’t believe that God _____ them

God shows his love by _________ another

God showed them ___________

God showed his love by _________ his enemies

God’s love for his chosen people is __________

God will _______ his enemies

The priests weren’t showing God ______

They’ve been offering ___ sacrifices

They’re not feeling God’s _____

Soon others would offer _____ sacrifices

They ________ God’s word

They _______ the good sacrifice for a bad one

People ____ God, but don’t honour him

The sacrifice of _____ brought honour to the Lord

We honour God by giving _________ as a sacrifice

The Message of the King – 3: Return to the King – Malachi 2:17-3:15 – Jodie McNeill – 10 December 2023

Change of mind

The _____ leads us to change our minds

The Lord says ‘______ to me’

God’s people made the Lord _____

People worship imaginary ________ of God

People claim that God doesn’t ____

God will respond by sending a _________

The Lord will ____ to his temple

The Lord will come to ______ his people

The purification will come at a ____

John the Baptist was the Lord’s  _________

God won’t let them get away with ____

We have _______ because the Lord doesn’t change

The Lord calls them to ______ to him

They tried to _______ God by giving too little

If they trusted in God, he’d _______ their crops

We give to God in ________ to his grace

God’s people saw no _____ in serving God

Change your mind

The Message of the King – 2: Be Faithful to the King – Malachi 2:1-16 • Jodie McNeill


The most important faithfulness is to ___

We’ve all been __________

Priests were __-________ for God and his people

Many priests weren’t _________ God’s name

God’s _____ must not be undermined

God punished the priest’s ___________

God covered the priests in ________

God punished the priests to ____ them

God offered life and _____

God’s word is _______

Truth tellers need to tell the _____

We have a high ________ for leaders

Right ________ needs right living

God _______ the priests because they shamed his name

They disobeyed God by showing ___________

They’re all _____ in God’s sight

Before Jesus, only ______ was saved

Wives following foreign _____ lead leaders astray

They weren’t faithful to their _____

We must _____ our hearts

God hates _______, and so should we

There is ____ because God sent Jesus

Two Ways To Live – 6: Repentance and Faith – Jodie McNeill – 19th November 2023

Life is full of choices

The most important ______ we must make

The choice demands a ________

The choice involves __________

The choice needs _____

It’s not the ________ of our faith

The choice comes from being ____ _____

We feel the urge to __________

It almost seems too ______

We want friendship without __________

We all face a ______

Dear God,
I know that I am not worthy to be accepted by you. I don’t deserve your gift of eternal life. I am guilty of rebelling against you and ignoring you. I’m sorry, and I need your forgiveness.
Thank you for sending your Son to die for me so that I may be forgiven. Thank you that he rose from the dead to give me new life.
Please forgive me and change me, so that I may live with Jesus as my ruler. Amen.

Two ways to live – 5: Resurrection – Acts 2:22-24, 36. Acts 17:22-31 – Jodie McNeill – 12 November 2023

Christians often skip the resurrection

The resurrection shows Jesus ____ for our sins

The resurrection was _____ to the Apostles

The resurrection shows Jesus is the true _____

The resurrection is ______ than Easter

Resurrection Day was _________ Day

The the ______ came, resurrection would happen

Jesus’ resurrection becomes ___ resurrection

The resurrection of Jesus really ________

Jesus’ resurrected body was ________

The resurrection shows Jesus is the _______

The resurrection ________ Jesus as Messiah

Some people think souls keep getting ________

But, the Bible celebrates our __________ identity

Some people can’t _______ the resurrection is true

But, the resurrection is very _________

Some say it was _________, not physical

If Jesus didn’t ______ rise, our faith is false

What is your choice?

Two Ways to Live – 4: Atonement – Isaiah 53:3-6, 9-10 – Jodie McNeill – 5 November 2023

The cross of Christ is offensive

The cross is _________, but it’s crucial

Consider the two _______ of Christ

Jesus died as ___

If Jesus wasn’t God, he couldn’t pay for us ___

If Jesus wasn’t God, it wouldn’t have been ____

God took the punishment ______ himself

Jesus died as a _____

Only a _____ could take human punishment

Jesus was the _________

Believe in Jesus and have _______ life

Jesus’ death was more than an _______

Jesus’ death removes God’s _____

Christ is the power and wisdom of ___

Throw yourself on the _____ of Jesus

Two Ways to Live – 3: God’s Judgement – Deuteronomy 29:16-20 and 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10 – Jodie McNeill – 29 Oct 2023


When we see ____, we long for justice

God punishes in _______

People get what they _______, now

God punishes by _____

God punishes at the end of the _____

____ is running out

Liberty: nobody will be _______

Universalism: _________ will be saved

Imagine all the people living life in _____?

Two Ways to Live – Week 2: Sin – Genesis 3:1-6. Romans 1:18-25 – Jodie McNeill – 22nd October 2023

Embarrassed by sin

We need to understand our spiritual ________

Sin is the _________ of God as ruler

We’ve all ______ to our own way

Sin _______ every human

Sin makes us fail to ____ as we should

If we’re not following God, we’re following the _____

We’re alienated from the ______ itself

Humanism: all people are basically ____

Relativism: there is no absolute ____ or evil

Legalism: near enough is ____ enough

Semipelagianism: we’re ____ enough to seek God

We need to be ______ about sin

Two ways to Live – Week 1: Creation – Genesis 1:26-28, 31. Revelation 4:6-11 – Jodie McNeill

A problem with authority

We all want to ____ ourselves

Since God created everything, we need to ______ him

God _______ everything

God lovingly _____ everything

God has made ______ to rule under him

___________: ‘what you see is all there is’

_________: ‘what you don’t see really matters’

_____: ‘it’s all a big machine’

____: ‘if God rules, why do bad things happen?’

There’s a ________ in God’s authority

‘A Loving Church’ 32: Serving Together 1 Corinthians 16:1-24 – Jodie McNeill


We are part of something ______

Partnership usually involves _____

They wanted to know about ______

Each Sunday they’s put aside some _____

We can set and forget our __________

We should be willing, cheerful and ________

In the Old Testament they gave a _____

Christians are not required to _____

___ percent is a starting point

God gets _____ and we get prayers

God’s in _______

_________ ministry is valuable

Be on _____

Stand ____ in the faith

Be __________

Be ______

Do everything with ____

We’re part of something so much ______

Love Jesus and avoid God’s _____

We share the love as we serve together