1 Corinthians: A Loving Church – 16: Australian Idols – 1 Corinthians 8 – Jodie McNeill – 12 March 2023

Australian Idol

In Paul’s time, ________ was everywhere

It was normal to eat food __________ to idols

They need ______ to manage their freedom

The issue is different but the __________ remain

Love matters more than _________

Love matters more than ______

God’s people put ____ first

What matters most if whether God _____ you

Idols are only ‘so-called’ ____

There is only ___ God and Lord

In the end, it’s not about the ____

It’s devastating to cause someone to _______

You’re ____ to say ‘no’ to something you like

The worst thing is to _______ someone’s faith

They’re not just offended, they actually ___

Love is more important than _______

We need to put ____ over knowledge

We need to make __________ to show love

1 Corinthians: A Loving Church – 15: Single Minded – 1 Corinthians 7:25-40 – Jodie McNeill – 5 March 2023

What’s on your mind?

No event matters more than the return of ______

The return of Christ _______ what’s on our mind

Marriage isn’t _______

We should fix our ____ on eternity

Paul has a preference for __________ over marriage

Paul says they’re in a ______

The crisis affects their _______ in life

Marriage can be ___________

The time that remains is very _____

Imagine if we lived like Jesus was about to ______

Our marriages mustn’t be our primary _____

We may need to make ______ decisions to honour God

We need to see marriage the way ___ sees it

To be more single-minded it’s good to be ______

Paul encourages them without ________ them

We should marry people who ____ the Lord

We should ______ single people and their commitment

Undivided, single-minded

1 Corinthians: A Loving Church – 14: Living and Leaving – 1 Corinthians 7:10-24 – Jodie McNeill – 26 February 2023

“I hate divorce!”

Everybody has been ________ by divorce

Our world believes _______ is worse than divorce

Divorce is _______ and complicated

Singleness is ____, but marriage is still fine

Paul refers to Jesus’ ________ on marriage

Marriage is a bond that is ______ by unfaithfulness

Divorce is too _____ to embrace lightly

They needed to manage _____ marriages

Don’t divorce an unbeliever to ______ holiness

God thinks in terms of __________

If an unbeliever leaves, you are ____

Stay _______ to your unbelieving spouse if you can

Don’t go out with an __________

____ in your situation when you’re converted

Circumcision doesn’t ______

Get out of _______ if you can

The world has a _________ view of divorce

Hate divorce, and cling to Christ

1 Corinthians: A Loving Church – 13: Marriage Matters – 1 Corinthians 7:1-9 – Jodie McNeill – 19 February 2023

Marriage Matters

Passing the ___ test

What was once _______ is now celebrated

Sexual sin is really _______

God made marriage and marriage is ____

They’re talking about ___________ sex

It speaks of men and women in _____ terms

Marital sex was only for ___________

Married couples should have sex for ___

It’s an invitation to ____, not to take

Sex in marriage is good and _________

God gave ________ to help us avoid sexual immorality

Paul says he wishes everyone was ______

Being single is a ________ thing

Feel _______ if you’re single

We must ___ away from sexual immorality

We must not act on improper sexual __________

We must ______ the temptation of sexual immorality

God knows ________ better than anyone

1 Corinthians: A Loving Church – 12: Honouring with our Body – 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 – Jodie McNeill – 12 February 2023

Why do we keep talking about sex?

We talk about sex because ________ else is

The Bible _______ with culture

________ are in conflict about sex

Teaching about sex is related to ________ the Bible

God’s word speaks of the ____ sex

God compares our relationship with him to ________

Paul says they’re _______ people

Some things are not __________

Sin can become our slave ______

Sex is not just ________, like eating

What we do with our bodies matters for ________

Our body is part of the body of ______

Something _________ happens when sex happens

We become one _____ if we sleep with a prostitute

We have a closer ____ with Jesus than a spouse

Run away from ______ sin

How will you run from sexual sin today?

Sexual sin is more _______ than other sins

When we defile our ____, we defile God

Our body no longer _______ to us

God bought us with the _____ of his son

God will _______ you if you ask

Get forgiven by God now!

Dear Jesus,
Sorry for rejecting you and living in sin.
Thank you for dying for me and promising forgiveness.
Please help me to trust you forever as my king.

We can trust the Bible, and the power of the cross

1 Corinthians: A Loving Church 11: Justice and Peace – 1 Corinthians 6:1-11 – Jodie McNeill – 5 February 2023

Friendly fire

The Corinthians had ________ sin

We need to make __________ about believers

We need to be lovingly ______ with each other

We need to be willing to be ______ and corrected

If they’re disobedient, treat them as an __________

Judging is what Christians are ________ to do 

Taking civil cases to secular courts is ________

When the church is ______, so is God

The church has been ______ by sexual abuse

Nobody ______ the other cheek like Jesus

The courts were only for the ____ and powerful

They’re getting wealthy at the _______ of Christians

You can’t be in the _______ yet live like an unbeliever

We cannot _____ what God calls sin

Just ask, and Jesus will _______ you

Jesus brings core ______________!

My worth…

The Thrill of Hope – Christmas Day – Luke 2:25-32, Romans 8:18-25 – Jodie McNeill – 25 December 2022

What gives you a thrill?

The thrill of hope follows _________

Simeon was _______ for the Messiah

Their waiting made them _____

Simeon knew the Messiah would come in his ________

God sent Simeon to the ______

Mary, Joseph and _____ were in the Temple

Simeon held his _______ in his arms

Simeon’s ______ had begun with the coming of Jesus

The world still feels ______

The whole creation is _____ with waiting

We long for the day when there is no more _____

We wait with eager ____

In our waiting we have the thrill of ____

We long for the return of Christ

1 Corinthians: A Loving Church – 10: Tough Love – 1 Corinthians 5 – Jodie McNeill – 18 December 2022

The joy of community

We often talk about ourselves as a ______

Paul talks about us as being like the ______

God is now _______ in us by his Holy Spirit

As his temple, we must be ____

We prefer to be ____ rather than holy

Sexual __________ was in the Corinthian church

They boast in a sin that the world finds ________

Paul tells them to _____ this immoral man

The _______ disobedient person must be removed

Paul will have a ________ at the special meeting

This will help everyone see the ___________ of sin

They need to stop the sin from _________

They need to _______ the community

The death of Jesus dealt with ___ forever

Be like ____, not pigs!

Christians should ____ the sin and seek to stop

It’s right for us to ______ with our world

Don’t associate with Christians who _______ in sin

We must keep the church ____

We need to keep _______ our doors to unbelievers

We need to take sin _________ as Christians

A healthy family is ______ with each other

We are God’s presence in a world that needs Jesus

1 Corinthians: A Loving Church – 9: Loving Leadership – 1 Corinthians 4:14-21 – Jodie McNeill – 11 December 2022

Who do are your spiritual parents?

Spiritual parents are a ________ from God

The apostles looked ____________

Paul said hard things because he _____ them

Their view of following Jesus was _____

When prosperity fails, _____ can be shattered

We need to know how to ______ well

Through the gospel they became ______

Paul wants them to _______ him

If you’re a ______, people will imitate you

We must treat Paul’s _______ as God’s word

Paul sent _______ to remind them of his ministry

They acted like Paul had ________ them

It’s best to say ‘God _______’

We need to see people living by God’s _____

Paul ___________ them as their spiritual parent

Loving church has _____ love

1 Corinthians: A Loving Church – 8: True Apostleship – 1 Corinthians 4:1-13 – Jodie McNeill – 4 December 2022

What makes a successful leader?

They’ve been judging in a _______ way

The Apostles are lower _____

The Apostles are __________ to Jesus

God’s people need to keep the gospel ____

God is ________ to us

It’s the only _______ that gets us to God

Paul isn’t a people _______

The ultimate judge of leaders is the ____

It’s wrong to _____ leaders about unimportant things

God’s word says ________ in leaders is wrong

We mustn’t plagiarise ___

They’ve arrogantly moved on from the ________

A glorious ______ is like our humiliated Messiah

There’s nothing attractive about an apostle’s ______

Followers of Jesus don’t _________

To see the glory of the Apostles, look in the ______

Real church leaders are like _____