1 Corinthians: A Loving Church – 7: God the Builder – 1 Corinthians 3:10-23 – Jodie McNeill – 27 November 2022

The Great Australian Dream

We find our purpose in ________ things

There’s a building worth investing your ____ in

__________ are the building

_____ is now the temple

We are God’s ______ because Jesus is God’s temple

Paul laid the __________

Paul’s ability to build came from ___

The building must be done with great ____

Our materials need to stand the ____ of time

Paul is thinking of the test of _________ Day

There will be a ______ for the faithful builder

People will feel the pain of building _____ in God’s temple

The Christians are the very ______ of God

God’s building is ____

You’ll be held ___________

Your labour will not be in ____

The Corinthians just cared about __________

Quality building builds on the __________ of Jesus

Factions and infighting need to _________

They belong to ______ who belongs to God

Are you really ready to _____ God’s church?

Don’t waste your life

1 Corinthians: A Loving Church – 6: Warning Against Worldliness – 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 – Jodie McNeill – 20 November 2022

The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill

A thin line between evangelism and ____ promotion

We want our church to ____ for God’s glory

Paul treated them like they weren’t _________ Jesus

The _____ and the Spirit

Their big ____ were jealousy and quarrelling

They’re not acting in a ______ way

They’re following different leaders and ________

Paul’s just a ________

Unchristian __________ is sad and ugly

They just did the ___ that God gave them

God made the plants ____

It’s not all about ___

God will ______ us

Our hard work is not in ____

It’s all about ___

We want God’s field to grow, for his _____

We’re all part of God’s eternal _______

1 Corinthians: A Loving Church – 5: Spiritual Wisdom – 1 Corinthians 2:6-16 – Jodie McNeill – 13 November 2022

Through their eyes

There are so many _________ worldviews

It’s loving to see the _____ through others’ eyes

There are two different kinds of ______

God wants us to become more ______

God has revealed ____ things to everyone

The leadership of ______ will soon be forgotten

One world of ______ will win and the other lose

God’s mystery is his special ____

The rulers of the _____ rejected and executed Jesus

God’s grace is truly _______

We know what God is ________ because he tells us

God gives us his ______ so we can know grace

The Holy Spirit gives us the _____ about God

We are all naturally born as _______ of God

We trust in Jesus because the Spirit _______ him

Unspiritual people can’t truly _____ spiritual people

We have the ____ of Christ

Come behold the wondrous mystery

1 Corinthians: A Loving Church – 4: The Weak and the Strong – 1 Corinthians 1:26-2:5 – Jodie McNeill – 6 November 2022

Masters of the understatement

The ____ Poppy Syndrome

The Corinthians loved to ____

Christianity is all about ______

God turns our world ______ down

Most of them were ________

If God didn’t ____ us, we’d never come 

God specifically _____ his children

You are personally ________ to God

God chooses the _________ to disgrace the powerful

God did the ___

Union with Christ means union with true ______

Christ is our _____________

Christ is our ________

Christ is our __________

It’s all about the ____

Paul spoke nothing but Christ and him _________

The ___________ was his hobby horse

The most important thing Jesus did was ___

Paul had a ________

Paul relied on the Holy Spirit’s _____

The word of God brought great _____

The Holy Spirit’s power was seen in their _________

I will boast in knowing Christ at the cross

1 Corinthians: A Loving Church – 3: The Power of the Cross – 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 – Jodie McNeill – 29-30 October 2022

Taking grace for granted

The glorious light of the ___________

Not by _____, but by faith

The _____ of the cross

Paul’s main purpose was to ______

Paul chose to avoid ______ speech

Clever speech robs the cross of its _____

The cross was ________

The cross of Christ seemed so ______

The cross is the only way to be ________

Do you _______ it?

We long for the day when Jesus will ______

It’s ______ to reject the cross of Christ

Human wisdom preaches a message that _____

Our preaching of the cross is _____________

Christ is the power and the wisdom of ___

The cross will seem stupid and _________

Grace is _____________

The power of the cross

1 Corinthians: A Loving Church – 2: Unity In Christ – 1 Corinthians 1:10-17 – Jodie McNeill • 22-23 October 2022

Disunity is Death

Paul wants them to live in _______

We must be _______ in the name of Jesus

The _____ matters

We pursue _____, even if it causes _________

Our divisions can be _________-based

We are to be ______ and united

They divided into different ________

They divided according to their ______

Their ___________ shaped their behaviour

Christ is ______, so we should be, too

Church is all about _____

There’s a valid reason to ______ a Christian leader

The most important thing is to ______ the Good News

Paul chose to avoid ______ speech

The _______ shapes the method

Our united church is a ____ from God

Equal and _________

Some issues do need to ______ a church

The truth about Jesus matters more than _____

Pray for wisdom and ____

1 Corinthians: A Loving Church – 1: The Gift of Grace – 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 – Jodie McNeill • 15-16 October 2022

Amazing Grace

Grace really is ____

Grace brings special _____ to the church

The church in Corinth was _______

A ______ church

Paul was a _______ person in the church

Sosthenes is his ______

There’s ultimately only ___ church

‘Holy’ means being set apart and _________

Our holiness comes from ______

He prays for more _____ and _____

Paul begins by ________ God for them

Jesus gives us what we ____ to live and serve

The Corinthians were attracted to _______ things

They appear to be very _____

By receiving these gifts, they get _________

We ____

When Jesus returns we’ll be _________

We should long for the day when Jesus will ______

Jesus will never leave us _____

We need God’s grace to help us ____

‘Creation to New Creation’ – Genesis to Revelation – Grahame Scarratt • 8-9 October 2022

How do we read the Bible?


Historical Kingdom

Decline and Prophetic Reflections

Kingdom Fulfilled in Christ

Epilogue or Consummation

How do we study the Bible?

‘I Will Wait For You’ – Psalm 130 – Jodie McNeill • 1-2 October 2022

Feeling hopeless?

We’re more ________ than ever

We’ve shifted towards _____________

A radical ___________ to hopelessness

Come to Jesus to find true ____

They’re going up to ____ the Lord

The songwriter is in the depths of _______

He _____ out to his Lord

He asks the Lord to give him his _________

He cries out for _____

Sin is his biggest _______

He knows the Lord gives ___________

The death of Jesus is the greatest _________

When we’re sinking, we need a _______

Our true ________ is as a slave of Jesus

Now he _____ for the Lord

He focuses on the ____ of God

He eagerly awaits the coming of the ____

The Lord has unfailing ____

The Lord __________ redeems them

We need to put our ____ in the Lord Jesus

I will wait for You

Jude – Our Entrusted Faith – ‘2: Remember the Apostles’ – Jude 17-25 – Jodie McNeill • 24-25 September 2022

Cyber attack

We must ______ the faith

The ________ predicted the false teachers

People believe things because of their ________

We lovingly urge everyone to ______

The most serious divisions are about ___ and salvation

The false teachers have followed their _________

The true _____ really matters

They need to _____ up their faith

The need to ____ in the Holy Spirit

They need to ____ for the mercy of Jesus

As we wait, we’re ____ in God’s love

We show _____ to those with wavering faith

We need to ______ people with caution

It’s ultimately all about ___

We are _________ in his sight

God is the true and supreme _____

It’s a matter of _________ life and death