Introducing Sunday Brunch

Meals have always had an important place in the ministry of our church, because food has featured strongly in the life of God’s people throughout the ages.

God’s people remembered the amazing Exodus from Egypt with a special meal, the Passover, and then Jesus fulfilled and transformed that meal into the Lord’s Supper.

In fact, the Bible often records Jesus’ meals with people, many of which led to his reputation as someone who, “eats with sinners”.

Food slows us down and brings us together, as we share in a moment of both sustenance and reflection for people of all ages.

Our Saturday night dinners have played an important part in the life and growth of our church, as they have been a powerful way to welcome newcomers and visitors into the life of our intergenerational church.

Indeed, our after-church meals are probably the most strategic and effective way of attracting, welcoming and integrating new people into the life of our church.

Whilst we’ve done something similar for morning tea, we’re ready to take our Sunday mornings to the next level by running a weekly, sit-down Sunday brunch.

So, for every Sunday morning we’re going to invite a household to purchase, prepare and share a meal for everyone present, just like we’ve been doing on Saturday nights.

If each household is happy to cater once or twice a quarter, then that should be enough for us to have a weekly brunch for all ages, every Sunday morning of the year!

We expect that it is likely to take a little while to get the systems in place, so please be patient and generous as we upgrade our hospitality each Sunday morning.

Our prayer is that every week we enjoy this opportunity to sit and enjoy a meal with others, especially when we ‘chew on’ the word of God that has dwelt richly among us during the church service we’ve just experienced, together.


(Photo credit: jeffreyw via