Messiah Masterclass 26 – ‘The Ultimate Betrayal’ – Matthew 26 – Jodie McNeill – 9 & 10 April 2022

Friendly fire

The attack on Jesus will be ________ fire

The religious leaders want to _______ Jesus

The perfume pouring was a really ____ thing

Judas did it for _____

The ________ remembers the rescue from Egypt

Jesus ________ the Passover for his disciples

The betrayal was _______ by God

Jesus radically _________ the Passover

Jesus said that all twelve disciples would ______ him

Jesus was _______ with grief to the point of death

The Father’s ____ was more important than the Son’s desire

Jesus asks his disciples to keep _____ and pray

Nobody else is able to do what _____ had to do

The betrayal is more ________ than expected

It was all happening according to ____

The religious rulers tried to falsely ______ Jesus

From now on the Son of Man takes his place of _____

Peter ______ Jesus three times, then weeps bitterly

The ______ of the Messiah was our greatest day