The Victory Parade

The Paris Olympics have been the most successful ever for Australia, and when the competitors return, we can expect a grand parade of medal-wearing winners.

Throughout history there have been other victory parades, but it was not uncommon for the spoils of success to be the captives taken prisoner through a successful military campaign.

Which is what makes Ephesians chapter four so remarkable, when it says of Jesus in verse eight, “When he ascended to the heights, he led a crowd of captives and gave gifts to his people.”

In this quote from Psalm 68, it’s speaking of the captives who are paraded before the people and are given as the spoils of war.

Yet, the greatest surprise is seeing in the coming verses just what, or in fact, who are these captives.

It turns out that they are the leaders who speak the word of God, as we see in the list in verse 11.

The valuable gifts that Jesus gives to his church are actually the speakers of the word of God, namely the apostles, prophets, evangelists and pastor-teachers. 

For, as they speak the word of God, Christ builds his church, which brings unity and maturity to all who know and love Jesus.

When the Olympians return, they will be parading their gold, silver and bronze medals, as a demonstration of their victory over the athletes of the other nations.

But when Jesus rose from the dead, his victory led to him giving his word to his people, through hearing the voices of his preachers.

This is how Jesus brings us blessing: through hearing his word, which builds his church to maturity and unity.

There’s something better than Olympic medals, for the faith that comes from hearing the word of God is of greater worth than gold.