God’s Love in Action

One night a little girl was woken by a storm. “Mummy, Mummy” she cried out. The rain beating against the window frightened her, the lightning and thunder terrified her. “Mummy, where are you?”
Her mother hurried into the room. She sat in the side of the bed and held her daughter tightly to comfort her, “Honey, when you are frightened like this you know that God is with you and loves you.”
“Yes Mummy, I know that” she sobbed. “But I need love with skin on.”
Jesus said, ‘A new commandment I give to you: that you love one another as I have loved you’.
We all need ‘love with skin on’ from time to time and so we need to be ‘love with skin on’ for one another.
Sometimes, pastoral care is seen as an optional extra, however, caring for one another is fundamental to our lives as Christians.
We all have different personalities, abilities and gifts, and therefore, we show our love in diverse ways.
However, at its foundation pastoral care involves caring for God’s people and walking alongside them in their Christian formation.
Pastoral care is gospel shaped, Bible nourished and prayer dependent. It is God’s love in action.
At Jamberoo Anglican, we work toward providing a ministry of support, hope and caring for one another’s – Spiritual, Emotional, Relational and Physical Wellbeing.
Our growth groups are a natural place to provide care for one another. They are the place where we develop relationships and support one another.
If you are not part of a growth group, then I would encourage you to join one of our existing groups.
Given that not everyone can be a part of a growth group, let’s each consider how we can show God’s love and care to someone different this week.