God is For Us

This week I have been reflecting on Romans 8 verses 31-39, one of my favourite passages in the Bible.
If we look at the earlier verses in chapter 8, we read that God works for the good in the life of the believer, including salvation.
In verse 31, Paul now asks the question: what shall we say in response to this? ‘If God is for us, who can ever be against us?”
The question for us then is this, ‘is God for you or against you’? It’s a pretty important question!
These final verses of chapter 8 offer great assurance with two precious truths for believers in Christ. That God is for us and that nothing can separate us from God’s love.
So how do you know that God is for you?
Because God, who gave his own Son, will graciously give you all things along with him (v32).
Because God who justifies you will not allow any charge to be brought against those he has chosen (v33). If the God of all creation has already declared you innocent of all charges, then who can bring accusations against you? Satan is the ultimate accuser, but he has already been defeated.
Because he doesn’t condemn us. Instead of condemning us, Christ died and was raised, and not only does he not condemn us, he intercedes and speaks for us.
And because absolutely nothing can separate us from God’s love.
How do we know that God is for us?
He gave his own Son for us. He justifies us. He can condemn us but chooses not to.
And nothing can separate us from the God who loves us.
We can see that the only way God will be against us is if we reject the Son he did not spare for us.
How then, would you answer the question, Is God for you or against you?