Entries by Jodie McNeill

A Prayer for Israel and Palestine

Dear Father God, In light of Hamas’ recent attacks on Israel we are reminded yet again of the sad reality that the present Jerusalem is in slavery with her children.We pray for those who belong to the heavenly Jerusalem – our brothers and sisters living in both Israel and Palestine – that you’d enable them […]

Set our Minds on The Spirit

One year ago I received the bad news that my cancer was back, and since then I’ve lost a few kilograms, gained a few kilograms, had a longish break from chemotherapy after a bad reaction to a dosage, and recently I’ve just resumed chemo with a different drug.  A number of my medical consultants have […]

Cattle on a Thousand Hills

When I ask someone to give thanks for the food, I don’t normally expect them to mention cattle… but this is exactly what I often heard in prayers when I was a student at theological college. As we were about to eat our meal, the principal would sometimes quote from Psalm 50, saying, “Lord, you […]

Hope in Life and Death

Back in 2020 when the extraordinary events of the global pandemic threatened us with fatalities beyond our gravest fears, a song was released that brought calm and confidence for those who trust in Jesus. The song, ‘Christ, our hope in life and death’ by Jordan Kauflin, Keith Getty, Matt Boswell, Matt Papa and Matthew Merker, […]

Father’s Day Prayers

As we celebrate Father’s Day, it’s good to thank God for our earthly fathers, and for their contribution to our lives. Fatherhood is a good thing, even though none of our earthly fathers are able to match the quality and character of our heavenly father. In his first letter to the church in Thessalonica, the […]