Entries by Jodie McNeill

The Thrill of Hope

Christmas is a wonderful time for us to reflect on the coming of Jesus… and it’s also a great time for people to come to Jesus! Every Sunday service is already ideal for newcomers to attend our church, so if you’re thinking of popping in and visiting, or if you’re waiting for an excuse to […]

Mobilised for Mission!

This week our staff team headed off for a two-day retreat to prayerfully reflect on the ministry of our church and our mission for the future. We considered together a ‘Biblical Theology of Edification,’ that helped us think about how Jesus is building his church (Matthew 16:16) and the role that we are to take. […]

1 Corinthians: A Loving Church – 6: Warning Against Worldliness – 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 – Jodie McNeill – 20 November 2022

The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill A thin line between evangelism and ____ promotion We want our church to ____ for God’s glory Paul treated them like they weren’t _________ Jesus The _____ and the Spirit Their big ____ were jealousy and quarrelling They’re not acting in a ______ way They’re following different leaders […]

The Blessing of Baptism

Baptism is a special washing of water that is a sign of God’s washing away of our sin that comes from believing in the death of Jesus and his resurrection. Baptism doesn’t save someone from their sin but it does signify that a person is part of the household of God, a member of the […]

Reconciliation Action

At the recent gathering of leaders at our Sydney Anglican Synod, we affirmed our commitment to seek reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We want to support and encourage every person, parish and Diocesan organisation to partner in Indigenous Ministry through the development of an Action Plan. As we develop this plan, we […]

1 Corinthians: A Loving Church – 4: The Weak and the Strong – 1 Corinthians 1:26-2:5 – Jodie McNeill – 6 November 2022

Masters of the understatement The ____ Poppy Syndrome The Corinthians loved to ____ Christianity is all about ______ God turns our world ______ down Most of them were ________ If God didn’t ____ us, we’d never come  God specifically _____ his children You are personally ________ to God God chooses the _________ to disgrace the […]