Entries by Jodie McNeill

We are Intergenerational

Our fourth value says that, “we are intergenerational in our fellowship, as all ages and stages are nurtured together in faith and love.” Throughout history, the family has been at the heart of the Christian fellowship, and people of all ages have gathered together for church. As the Bible was read and taught together, children […]

More on Being Missional

When I wrote last week about how our church is missional, I forgot to talk about how our church services connect with people who are not yet followers of Jesus. In our church we rarely run any special ‘outreach’ or ‘evangelistic’ events, but instead, we try to make every public gathering an opportunity for someone […]

We are Missional

The third of our six church values states that, “we are missional in our outlook, as we recruit, train and send people and resources to proclaim the gospel locally and globally.” In his final words in Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus tells his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, and so continue in this […]

We are Anglican

The second of our six church values states that, “we are Anglican in our form, as we reflect the Reformation in the shape and substance of our common prayer.” We are more than just Anglican by name, for we also follow the way of doing church that was put in place by the English Reformers […]

We are Orthodox

The first of our six church values states that, “we are orthodox in our doctrine, as we believe and teach God’s unchanging word in an ever-changing world.” The word ‘orthodox’ reminds us of ‘orthodontist’, a person who makes crooked teeth straight… just like how our church seeks to have ‘straight’ teaching that’s aligned to God’s […]

What are our values?

If someone asked you to sum yourself up in six words, then what would you say? This was the challenge our church gave itself last weekend at our ‘Vision Day’, when after much discussion, we came up with a draft list of six values. These describe what is special about our church, and help us […]