Entries by Jodie McNeill

Connecting through live-streaming

One of the surprise outcomes of the COVID-19 restrictions has been the great number of people who have tuned in to join us via Facebook Live. Not only has this technology helped our regular members gather for church, but it’s also been a wonderful way to include friends and neighbours from our village, valley and […]

Revealing Tyranny – Revelation 6 and 7 – 9-10 May 2020

History repeats itself Plagues, wars and persecutions ____ and go. Jesus says, ‘Do not be ______’. History ____ when the scroll is open. Four different ______ of human history. Revelation shows history from four ____________. The white horseman seeks ________. The red horseman brings _________. The black horseman brings ______. The pale horseman brings _____. […]

The End of the World – Revelation Revealed 3 – Revealing Heaven – Revelation Chapters 4 and 5 – 2-3 May 2020

Anxiety.  Something look _______ to. The hope of the new _________. A weird and wonderful ______. A door open in ______. A forward-looking ______. A ______ in heaven. _________ and beautiful. His rule ______ people throughout history. The ______ convicts, converts and comforts. A picture of _____ and serenity. Four awesome _________ of created beings. […]