Entries by Jodie McNeill

How’s your media footprint?

This week we have seen the sudden end to a number of budding political careers as the inappropriate online history of candidates was made public. Comments were made on social media and blogs that included rude jokes and statements that have caused offence. On Friday, Mr Creasey, a former candidate for the upcoming federal election, […]

Coming up this weekend 4-5 May 2019

When you join us this weekend, you’ll meet three people with very strong Canadian accents. These guys are working with our church for a month as part of their Bible college training, and they’ll be sharing why they think it’s such a great thing to be friends with Jesus. If you’re coming along for the […]

News 27-28 April 2019

OUR BIBLE TALK This weekend we welcome visiting speaker Cameron Jones from Ireland who will speak to us on the topic, ‘Getting In and Staying Safe’, from John 10 verses 1 to 21. NEXT WEEK’S TALK Next week we begin an all-new series on the book of Judges called ‘Hope Beyond Chaos’, as Jodie delivers […]

What’s Wrong with the Irish Church?

The most famous Irish event in our calendar is ‘St Patrick’s Day’, where we celebrate a cheerful, cleric in green robes. Patrick became a follower of Jesus, and sought “that through me, many people should be born again in God and brought to full life”. This mission cost him dearly, as he gave up wealth […]

Coming up this weekend 27-28 April 2019

An Aussie Irishman walks into a church… It’s no joke, because my old mate Cameron Jones has travelled all the way from Ireland to come to Jamberoo to tell us why Ireland needs Jesus more than almost any other place in the English-speaking world. (He’s also coming out to visit other churches… but it makes […]

News 19-21 April 2019

OUR BIBLE TALK This weekend we complete our three-week series ‘What would Jesus pray’ from John 17, as we examine what Jesus prayed for us, in verses 20 to 26. NEXT WEEK’S TALK Next weekend our guest speaker Cameron Jones will be speaking from John 10 verses 1 to 21, on ‘Jesus is the Good […]