Australian Anglicans Ahead

On Monday night our church at Jamberoo was privileged to host a special online event for Gafcon Australia, at which the Chairman outlined the new way that Australian Anglican churches can be supported when they wish to keep to the faithful teaching of the Bible, even if their bishop wants otherwise.

This is not a problem that we face in our Sydney Diocese because we are blessed to have bishops and other leaders who love to listen to and obey what God says in his Bible about all matters of life.

The way that it will work is that Gafcon (Global Anglican Futures Conference) will provide what’s called an ‘Extra-provincial Diocese’, which is another way of saying that these churches and ministers will be able to be remain Anglican churches that will sit under the leadership and authority of a Bishop who is not formally part of the Anglican Church of Australia.

This is a significant, and most-likely costly step for any church to take, although it is one that would only be taken in extreme situations.

For, our prayer is that the dioceses of the Anglican Church of Australia would be united in following the clear teaching of the Bible about how God wants his people in his church to live for his honour and glory.

Please pray for the board of Gafcon Australia as they work to provide the necessary infrastructure to support any new churches that will take advantage of this rescue plan.

Pray also that we might have unity in the truth of the gospel, so that together we might be able to proclaim Christ faithfully to the nations!


Coming up this weekend 24-25th July 2021

We would love you to join us for church this weekend!

This weekend, Jodie will be starting our new sermon series on the Gospel of Matthew.

Come along for Saturday at 5pm and dinner afterwards, followed by ‘Nightlife’ afterwards. Or Sunday morning at 9am, followed by morning tea and hot espresso.
We can’t wait to have you join us!

Our kids’ ministry programs run at both services and online. If you are able to attend in person we would love to watch your children, from babies to Year 6, and have them join our leaders in a time of fun and learning.

If you can’t make it in person, head to or to watch our livestream.

If you have any questions, simply fill out a response slip during the service, email us at or send an SMS to 0439 890 086.

Church news for the week beginning 17th July 2021


This weekend we will be learning from Acts 3:1-12 as Dan Odell preaches to us on ‘A Leap of Faith‘.


Our mission of the month for June is Irish Church Missions, specifically the ‘Dublin Silicon Docks Church Project’. To find out more visit


The KCC Base Camp mens convention is coming up on the 14th August. We are going to livestream it here at Jamberoo Anglican Church! The topic is, ‘Unbound: To love God and others’. We would love you to join us on the day! More details coming soon.


Our upcoming baptism service has been delayed due to the impact of stay-at-home restrictions on the size of our gathering and on the visitors we can welcome onsite.


Our confirmation service may be delayed. We will update you next week.


The Creche door and carpet are in! However, please avoid the building materi- als and other hazards around the church.


Our church is now on PrayerMate. Subscribe for daily prayer points on your device from us and our partners.


20 July – Ben Baker
23 July – Rick Smith
24 July – Kim Ayling

20 July – June & Clyde Bock


Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00. Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the NEW details. Account name: Jamberoo Anglican Church. Account number: 356831. BSB: 032605.

To give to our tax-deductible MTS Scholars Fund to support our apprentice youth minister, head to

A Leap of Faith – Dan Odell – Acts 3 1-12 – 17-18th July 2021

  • Acts 3 Background
    • The main character is gone
    • The main character is not gone
  • A Man Excluded (vs 1-3)
    • Excluded from God? 
    • Unworthy of God?
    • Luke 5: It is not the healthy who need a doctor…
  • A Man in Need (vs 3-5)
    • His wants are less than his needs.
    • So are ours: success // comfort // control
  • A Man made Whole (vs 6)
    • Healed by the name of Jesus
    • What is God doing in the world today?
    • God outside the temple
  • Leap of Faith (vs 7-8)
    • The man:
    • God
    • The disciples (and us!)
  • Conclusion: This miracle points
    • Backwards
    • Downwards
    • Upwards
    • Forwards
    • To persecution and yet joy (vs  9-11)

Are you willing to wait?

Are you the kind of person who is happy to wait for downloads, or couriers, or public transport, or phone calls?

In the instant-gratification world in which we live, we seek immediate results, and get frustrated when things don’t happen as fast as they can.

And when we’re impatient, it can easily lead us to act in a way that is unwise or ungodly.

In 1 Samuel 13, Saul chose not to wait for Samuel the prophet to perform a sacrifice, but instead he took matters into his own hands.

As God’s king, he was supposed to follow God rule, but as he faced the threat of war, he grew impatient, which resulted in him losing the kingdom to King David, the man after God’s own heart.

When God’s king, Jesus, was under great distress in the Garden of Gethsemene, he chose to patiently and obediently follow God’s rule, even though it would cost him dearly.

King Jesus patiently and obediently followed the Lord in his time of trial and distress… and in doing so, he went to the cross, where he died for our sin, and from where he rose to bring us the guarantee of eternal life.

As we get frustrated with waiting for answers to prayer, we can be tempted to take matters into our own hands, disobeying God’s word and acting independently of his rule.

But we must model ourselves on Jesus our Lord, who cried out to God, “everything is possible for you. Please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” (Mark 14:36)

Praise God that Jesus was not impatient and that he was willing to follow his father’s command, even when to do so would bring him pain.

Praise God that his perseverance and obedience led to the glorious tragedy of the cross!


(Photo credit: Heiner Engbrocks via Flickr)

My Dwelling Place – Psalm 91 – 10-11 July 2021 – Jodie McNeill

“We are facing the biggest challenge”

Are you afraid?

When you’re afraid, come to God’s ____

The Lord ____ them Psalm 91

A powerful word of ____

Is this just a feel-good word of ________?

Is it because people don’t have enough _____?

In Jesus’ time, sin didn’t lead to _________

The main message of the pandemic is ‘______’

Things were _________ in Old Testament times

God no longer ________ people by plague

The Kingdom of God is _________ not physical

He’s blessed us in the heavenly realms in ______

Judgement and blessings will be seen on the _____ day

We receive all the promised blessings in ______

We must have Heaven as our ____

We receive safety and blessings by ________ in Christ

We are safe under the _____ of Jesus

Even though we live in a pandemic, we need not ____

Judgement Day is coming, and ____ will end

Shelter is our ________ home

Angels help and _______ us

We find refuge in Christ, in Heaven, our ______

‘My Dwelling Place’

Surprise Lockdown?

This second lockdown has taken many of us by surprise, especially after the optimistic steps in the past few months towards a return to some sort of normal.

But now with as the press conferences from Gladys and Dr. Chant grow in intensity, it is clear that we’ll be needing to work out how to manage the pandemic for a whole lot longer.

Whilst there is no doubt that our reduced freedoms and changed plans are causing us frustration and heartache, we must never forget that our Lord God remains fully in control of every small and large thing in the universe.

God has known about Covid-19 since the creation of the world, and that is why we can be thankful to him for both the good bits and the bad bits of this global pandemic.

There will be some people who will look back on this year and recognise that the crisis has led them to Christ, and that the trials and traumas of this pandemic have been the very things that have shaken their outlook and drawn them to become reconciled with Jesus as their loving ruler.

This also makes prayer seem all the more powerful, knowing that the one we humbly bring our prayers to is the same person who rules the universe: he listens to us because he loves us.

For this reason, we must keep praying to our Lord, asking that his will would be done, and that his kingdom would come.

What are you praying to the Lord during this latest lockdown? What are you asking your sovereign and gracious Lord in this time of trial?

In these troubling times, let us never lose sight of our saviour, as we fix our eyes “not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4:18)


Coming up this weekend 10-11th July 2021

This weekend, Jodie will be speaking a special, one-off sermon on Psalm 91, where he will teach us what it means to find refuge and safety as we live with the Lord… especially at a time of international challenges and trials.

Join us for church this weekend in person and online!

We would love to have you along for Saturday at 5pm and dinner afterwards, followed by our ‘Nightlife’ fun from 8pm. Or Sunday morning at 9am, followed by morning tea and hot espresso. We can’t wait to have you join us!

If you have any questions, simply fill out a response slip during the service, email us at or send an SMS to 0439 890 086.

Here are the questions that Jodie plans to answer this weekend:

1 Is Hebrews telling us to meet in church services, or are growth groups enough?

2 Do angels speak to us today, and if so, how?

3 How did all the fullness of God live in Christ? (Colossians 1:19)?

4 Was God in human form when he was walking in the garden of Eden?

5 Is there a particular order to the letters of the New Testament?

Our kids’ ministry programs run at both services. We would love to watch your children, from babies to Year 6, and have them join our leaders in a time of fun and learning. The livestream will continue on the TV in the hall so if you need to stay with your child, you won’t miss out on church.

If you can’t make it in person, head to to watch our livestream. To catch up on previous sermons, head to our Youtube channel