1 Kings – Power and Hope – An Unfading Hope – 1 Kings 1 – 6-7 February 2021

We expect democracy to work

God’s people ended up with a ____

King David is now _____

A ‘whatever works’ strategy is ___

God acts by making ________

With God’s promises, it’s not ‘if’ it’s ‘____’

A loving father ___________ his child

Bathsheba _____ David about Adonijah

David swears that _______ will be king

God’s kingdom is _________ not physical

Messiah means Christ means ________ one

The kings of 1Kings teach us about King _____

The enemies of God’s king are ________

Those who reject God’s king face _________

Adonijah seeks _____ from the Messiah

The Messiah offers _____

Is it time to trust the ____ king?

An unfading hope

Let’s Talk About Parenting Tony and Judy Willis 30-31 January 2021

God as Father

Father of all Creation

Father of his People Israel

The Father and the Son

Father of us, His children.

An Apprenticeship Model

At birth

Young adult

Parenting: getting from one to the other

The Bible on Discipline

Why Sinners Love Jesus Luke chapter 7 verses 36 to 50 Moussa Ghazal – 23-24 January 2021

1. Guess who’s coming to dinner?

2. A ______ woman

a. ___ reputation

b. ______ shame

c. no ____

3. Reactions to the _____

a. Simon’s _________

b. Jesus ______

4. Responding to Jesus

a. ________ much love much

b. common ________ vs utter devotion

c. religion vs powerful _____

5. How ____ is your love?