7. Revealing destruction Revelation chapters 15 to 16 – 30-31 May 2020

Disaster is compelling to watch.

We see the perspective of ___________.

If you’re on God’s side, you’re a ______.

God is angry at people who ______ him.

They were ________ to Christ when threatened.

When you’re _____, you sing.

Keep singing songs about ______!

The best life comes from _________ Jesus.

God is totally in control of __________.

There’s no place for more than one ultimate _____.

God hands out perfect _______.

People recognised God’s _____ but didn’t repent.

Don’t _____ when Jesus is returning.

Babylon is the focus of God’s _________.

Get right with God before it’s too late.

“Dear Jesus,
I am sorry I have rejected your loving rule.
Thank you for taking my punishment at the cross.
Please help me to worship you all my days.

6. Revealing persecution Revelation chapters 12 to 14 23-24 May 2020

The problem of suffering and evil.

We see things through the lens of ___________.

The lamb has ___, and so have we!

The dragon tried to stop the ____ of Jesus.

The dragon _____ and is thrown from heaven.

The devil has lost but he keeps ________ us.

The _________ of Christ is the power of God!

The devil is _____ because he knows he’s defeated.

Persecution is painful but _________.

Believing and obeying God _______.

The devil’s attacks are for a _______ time.

Nothing takes God by ________!

Hang in there through the ______.

The devil is an ________ copy of Jesus.

_________ is from God, beginning to end.

Hell’s _______ will last forever.

Justice _____ like a river.

Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.

5: Revealing Chaos – Revelation 8 to 11 – Jodie McNeill – 16-17 May 2020


We see history from the view of _____.

Our prayers are ________ in heaven.

The four trumpets bring _____ to the land.

In the chaos, God ________ his own people.

The Devil ________ his own people.

______ lead hearts to soften or harden.

The gospel brings hope plus ________.

Persecuted preachers were ______ with Christ.

Christ was _______ at the cross.

Christ is reigning and we are _______.

Jesus is ______ on his throne.