This is the latest blurb that is published on the front of our weekly bulletin

Hope for the Heavy Hearted

There is hope (CREDIT: James Wheeler via Flickr)

It is so easy to get down considering the world we live in today.

We can reflect on the several tragic youth suicides in our region, the health diagnoses of those we love, and the attempts to publicly oppress free speech and make those who believe in the Bible out to be fools.

There is plenty of sin in the world to rightly feel sorrow for.

However, we cannot let the calamity of a fallen world weigh us down when the Bible tells us to have confidence and to persevere, because the hope we have in the sacrifice of Christ is a great hope indeed! 

Let us reflect on the words from the Bible:

Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near. (Hebrews 10:23-25)

We are called in this passage to steadfastness, not being overwhelmed by our anxieties. 

We are called to keep meeting together as a church, so that we can be encouraged by each other’s consistency in striving towards Christ, being dedicated to the Bible and the glorification of God. 

Jamberoo Anglican is fortunate, for we work to act on these words.

We are a body who trusts the Lord when the world seems dark, who is consistent and committed, and greatly anticipates the return of our king.

Let us be encouraged and remember the words of Paul to the Philippians:

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7).


The Wall of Hostility

On Monday, the leaders of the United States of America and North Korea met at the Demilitarised Zone that sits precariously on the border between the divided Korean nations along the 38th Parallel.

It was described as a last-minute event, and the impact was strongly symbolic.

These two nations have been apart since August 1945, when the North was controlled by Communists installed by Russia and later influenced by China, and the South was controlled by the US.

This division greatly impacts the people of Korea, but it is indicative of a conflict that stems from the Cold War.

Any future reunification would be a powerful sign of peace between warring factions, and would bring some comfort to the world that tires of the nuclear sabre rattling of global powers.

In the Bible, there was another wall of hostility that powerfully divided two, warring factions.

These were the Jews and the Gentiles, separated from early human history due to the clear commands from our Lord God for his chosen people to be pure and holy from the world that rejects him.

Yet, even in the time before Jesus there were hints that this division would not remain forever, as some well-known Gentiles came to trust in the Lord and be welcomed into his people.

When Jesus died, the final barrier was destroyed, and now people from all nations can come together as the new people of God, united as one in Christ.

As we read in Ephesians, 

For Christ himself has brought peace to us. He united Jews and Gentiles into one people when, in his own body on the cross, he broke down the wall of hostility that separated us. (Ephesians 2:14)

This is true, lasting peace that will survive into eternity.


Freedom of Faith and Israel Folau

Archbishop Glenn Davies has issued a public statement on Israel Folau and the issue of Freedom of Speech, Conscience and Belief.

“Israel Folau’s right to express his faith and act according to his conscience is of fundamental importance in any democracy, and it is of great concern to many Australians that this right is being denied and vilified. Many are wondering whether they will be next. No-one should suppose that there are not deeply held views on either side of this issue. But at the moment, only one side is being heard. The way in which Folau’s motives have been impugned and his avenues of support have been cut off smacks of a new and ugly Australia where dissent from narrow cultural views is not tolerated. 

The original post on Instagram canvassed some basic tenets of the Christian faith. It was not the entire Christian message, but it was posted without malice and from a place of deep conscience and concern. It encompassed all people, for we are all liars. It was posted with respect and with urgency. It had nothing to do with rugby and it should have been his right as a citizen to speak of what he believes without threat to his employment. 

Christians do not ask that everyone agree with us on the reality of heaven and hell, but it is part of our faith DNA that we speak out about Jesus, whatever the cost. I say again that I support Israel Folau as a Christian brother. I support the right for him to articulate his faith in the public sphere of social media. I admire the resolute way he has given his personal testimony.  Why, in the diversity of views in modern Australia, is that faith to be silenced – the faith from which springs so much of the values and virtues of our own civilisation, let alone the charitable works of many Christian churches across our land.

Ultimately, this will not be decided in the media. The clear support of ordinary Christians has been ignored, marginalised and silenced. Many commentators (and many politicians) have failed to understand the precious nature of conscience and belief and its power in the lives of ordinary Australians. Loud, intolerant voices swamp the quiet faith of many. But I pray that what Israel Folau is going through may shine a light on an issue which is vital to our democracy and of crucial importance for Christians – freedom of speech, freedom of worship and freedom to live according to our faith.”

Dr Glenn N Davies
Archbishop of Sydney
25 June AD 2019

Sing Hallelujah to the Lord

Protesters sing Hallellujah in Hong Kong (CREDIT: Twitter @machinetta)

This week I was reminded of two significant memories from the 1980’s.

The first was the iconic images of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, when civilians were gunned down by Chinese soldiers during a protest for democracy.

The second was the song ‘Sing Hallelujah to the Lord’, a song I sang repeatedly throughout my teenage years in youth group and church.

These two memories came together as I witnessed news reports of the millions of people protesting in Hong Kong against the threat of being extradited to mainland China for trial for dissent.

Due to an anomaly in the legal system, there is a greater leniency towards Christian gatherings than political protests.

So, as the crowds gathered to protest, they followed the singing of Christian voices who turned this iconic chorus of the 70’s and 80’s into a modern meme for freedom and democracy.

Yet, as this song rings out in the public sphere, there is another level of subtle political subversion, for the lyrics of this Christian anthem unite the singers in praising the name of the Lord above all other rulers.

For as they sing on earth, they are united with the multitude that also gathers in Heaven to worship Jesus, whose shouts sounded “like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder”, as they cried out”Hallelujah! For our Lord Almighty reigns!” (Revelation 19:6)

As they chose to proclaim this Hebrew word ‘Hallelujah’ which means ‘Praise the Lord’, they made the bold statement that Jesus is the true ruler over all.

And as the millions gathered in Hong Kong to protest about the threat to freedoms, they also invoked the name of the Lord, who is the true ruler over all.

No matter what political fights we might experience, the greatest ruler of all is Jesus, the Lord of all, who is truly worthy of praise.


Be Strong and Courageous

When the Lord of the universe is on our side, we should not be afraid (CREDIT: Nick Webb via Flickr)

One of my favourite all-time church songs is ‘Be Strong and Courageous’ by Colin Buchanan.

It’s one of those rare songs that is able to mix simplicity with depth of meaning, and it brings people of all ages together in a powerful anthem that leads us to grow our trust in the Lord.

The context of the song is the famous verse that was said by the Lord to Joshua in the time before he was to boldly lead God’s people to the Promised Land.

We know now that the story ends in victory, but for the people at the time you would have expected that there was genuine fear in the hearts of all.

To make matters worse, their trusted leader Moses had passed away, and the new leader Joshua needed to stand up and lead through a challenging time.

With all this in mind, God graciously speaks directly to Joshua, saying these words:

Be strong and courageous, for you are the one who will lead these people to possess all the land I swore to their ancestors I would give them. Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the instructions Moses gave you. […] This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:6-9)

When it seems hard to obey God’s good word to us, we can take these comforting words to heart: “be strong and courageous… do not be afraid or discouraged”.

When the true Lord of the universe is on our side, we should not be afraid to follow his loving rule over our lives, even if to do so seems scary.

We should be strong and very courageous, for the Lord is with us.


What are you looking forward to?

Time is running out before Jesus returns! (CREDIT: Dash Huang via Flickr.)

How would you answer the question, “what are you looking forward to in life?”

It seems likely that the younger you are, the bigger the list!

If you’re at school, then it may be that you’re looking forward to finding a job, getting married, travelling to faraway places, buying a home, parenting children, or maybe even more.

If you’re in middle age or a bit older then perhaps you’re looking forward to enjoying an ’empty nest’ or the opportunities of retirement and beyond.

If you’re older still, then maybe the list of things you’re looking forward to is much shorter.

Yet regardless of your age, the number one thing that followers of Christ must look forward to is his return.

Someone once said, “Live like Christ was born yesterday, died today, and is returning tomorrow.”

If you knew Jesus was coming back in a few hours’ time, then how would it change the way you lived your life in these final moments? How would it change your priorities?

The Bible teaches us that Jesus will return like a thief in the night… at a time when we least expect it to happen.

In the Bible, God gives us some tantilising tidbits about what it will be like when Jesus returns, but ultimately the most important thing we can do is be ready for that day.

And the way to be ready is to be turn away from a life rebelling against God, and to turn to Jesus as loving leader of your life.

And as we wait, we should warn people about the dangers of dying without knowing Jesus.

For when it comes to Jesus’ return, it’s not a matter of ‘if’, it’s a matter of ‘when’.

And this is certainly something to look forward to.


Do You Need More Joy?

True forgiveness brings deep joy (CREDIT: Martin Talbot via Flickr)

Depression and anxiety are at plague proportions in our modern, affluent land, and no matter how hard we try, we can’t seem to get the joy we need.

Even though we have greater wealth, improved health, longer life-expectancy, and the opportunities to connect with countries across the globe, we seem to be sadder than ever.

I was reminded that a great antidote to many mental ailments is becoming drawn into a partnership with something much bigger than the individual.

On the one level, this means that joining an outwardly-focused club or community organisation will mean we are led to focus less on ourselves and more on others.

But on a greater level, this means that when you come to be a follower of the maker of the heavens and the earth—God, who holds the universe in his hands—you then have an invitation to see your own concerns deeply met as you lift up your head to worship the one who loves you deeply and gave his son to die for you.

Yet, even those who are followers of Jesus will find themselves in times of depression, when joy seems hard to find.

Psalm 51 tells us that in times of sin, we can be overwhelmed with guilt and sadness… and that as we humbly ask God to forgive our sin, we need to then seek something more: joy.

As David prayed,

“Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Oh, give me back my joy again; you have broken me—now let me rejoice.” (Psalm 51:7-8).

As the burden of sin is lifted from our shoulders, we can know afresh the deep, deep love of Jesus, and can experience true, deep joy in the forgiveness of sin and the hope of eternal life in Christ Jesus.


The Canadian Church Crisis

There is hope for church in Canada (CREDIT: chrisinphilly5448 via Flickr)

It’s hard to believe that the Canadian church has wandered so far from its roots.

Back in 1603, a French man by the name of Samuel de Champlain crossed the Atlantic to try and colonise the ‘New World’ and preach Christianity throughout the land.

As a result, the church heavily influenced family, state and culture in Canada.

But only fifty years ago the ‘Quiet Revolution’ swept the country, leading to a widespread rejection of Christianity.

Today, Prime Minister Trudeau continues to push complete acceptance of non-Christian values such as homosexuality and abortion.

Now, less than one in ten Canadians call themselves Bible-believing Christians, and in places like Quebec, it’s as low as 2%.

Things are so bad that Canada is now considered a top priority for missionary organisations, such as the Southern Baptists in the USA.

The decline in the church has worsened as the reputation of the church is damaged through scandals, such as sexual abuse in the Catholic church and the appointment of United Church pastors who are atheists.

From this, countless churches have shut down, leaving many towns without a Christian presence.

Yet, there is a movement of church planting that has swept the country, giving new life to many cities and towns.

Student ministry in universities has had a tremendous impact on people in a stage of life where they often leave the church.

Many churches continue to faithfully serve God, even through trying times. 

Please pray for a new emergence of Christian leaders who will spread the gospel and lead the church with Christ at the centre.

Pray for colleges like Briercrest, which seek to faithfully teach the Bible to university students and train people for gospel work.


How should we vote?

Make your vote count!

Since I arrived here from Canada three weeks ago it has been interesting to experience a federal election in another country.

The premise of the election is the same, although there are some minor differences such as compulsory voting.

While some Canadians ask the question, “should I vote as a Christian?”, we all should ask the question, “how should I vote as a Christian?”

The first thing we must always remember is that God is in control (Romans 13:1).

God is the true leader and creator of this world and everything goes through Him.

As followers of God it is our duty to choose a leader who speaks and acts out Christian principles.

In order to do this we must be informed on what each party represents and use our judgment to make godly decisions.

Sounds easy enough right? Well, as we all know, parties can promise many different things, some of which follow earthly principles and not biblical principles.

So in order to receive the proper guidance, we must study God’s word, the Bible.

To know what principles God wants our leaders to possess, we need to be in constant study of Scripture. 

For we read, “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realise what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right” (2 Timothy 3:16)

And we must pray, asking thatour decision will be according to God’s will, and that the leaders will make wise decisions. 

For we are reminded that, “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking” (James 1:5).

And we must never forget to “pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity” (1 Timothy 2:2-3)


Does God forgive suicide?

Suicide does not hold any power over God’s forgiveness (CREDIT: Tim Green via

The question of whether or not God forgives those who commit suicide is often asked after a tragic death of this nature.

Throughout Scripture we read that there is only one sin that puts us beyond forgiveness, and that is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (Mark 3:28-29), which refers to when a person continually resists and rejects the call to repentance until death. 

Suicide does not keep a person from going to heaven; only continual rejection of God does. 

Suicide does not hold an ounce of power over the forgiveness we receive from God, for Jesus Christ conquered death when he died and rose from the dead.

By the blood of Jesus, the lamb, we are able to receive the forgiveness that we did not deserve. 

We have all been through times in our lives when nothing seems to be going right, and it is in those moments of weakness that we might contemplate suicide.

For some, taking their own life feels like the only way out.

As Christians, we must be there for each other and continually share God’s love with the people around us. 

Is ending our lives a sin? Yes. Is it unforgivable? No.

Suicide robs us of the gift of life that only God can give us, yet it is not greater than the body and blood of Christ that was broken and shed for the forgiveness of all sins.

Through the grace and mercy of Jesus, our debts are pain in full. 

No matter what you are going through, there is hope found in Jesus Christ.

“Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken” (Psalm 55:22)

“In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace” (Ephesians 1:7)