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Our weekend services are at 9am and 4pm Sunday at 45 Churchill Street, Jamberoo.

Coming up this weekend 21-22 September

Last week we saw that the good news of Jesus has now crossed cultural barriers to be available for anyone who believes! And in our next episode from the book of Acts we see that the action moves north to a city called Antioch, which now forms the new hub for Christianity as it travels to the ends of the earth. However, we will see both opportunity and opposition, as the growth of the early church is directly confronted by an attack by the militant forces of the state.

So, be sure to come along and hear this message at one of our two sessions this weekend. Join us at 5pm on Saturday for an all-age service, with kids’ program, a hearty meal, then youth group for our teenagers. Or come at 9am Sunday and have a more classic-style Anglican service, followed by first-class espresso and lots of time to catch up!

We also will have a time to hear answers to the questions you asked last week, which are:

1 What were the unclean foods that Peter didn’t want to eat?
2 Why don’t Christians avoid unclean foods?
3 Why did Gentiles believe that Jesus was the Messiah, but not many Jews?
4 What happens when a Christian dies and goes through judgement?
5 Did Tabitha briefly go to heaven after she died before she came back to life?

If you’re a regular, or just thinking of popping in for the first time, please join us! You’re very welcome!

Grace and peace, Jodie.

Coming up this weekend 14-15 September 2019

As the early church grew, it meant lots and lots of changes. One of the biggest changes was felt by the people who grew up Jewish, but now were bring brought together by God to share the one, spiritual family with all sorts of ‘Gentile’ people. Sounds confusing? Well, come along and join us this weekend to hear me speak from Acts 9:32-11:18 on the topic ‘A Clean Change for the Church’… and you’ll find out what that cryptic title really means!

I’m also going to answer your questions from last week on all sorts of interesting things, like:

1 How did Ananias know that Jesus appeared to Saul, since Jesus didn’t tell him?
2 If we met Jesus like Saul did then would we gain the authority to write Scripture?
3 Are modern healing miracles from God, and if so, why don’t we practice them?
4 Does God the Father love Jesus or people more?
5 How can we reconcile Genesis 1-11 with modern-day science?

So, be sure to join us on Saturday at 5pm for our relaxed, all-age service, with awesome kids’ program, followed by a hearty dinner and then youth group. Or come at 9am Sunday for a more classic-style Anglican service, with great espresso afterwards.

I’m really hoping you can make it… and bring along your friends, too!

Grace and peace, Jodie.

Coming up this weekend 7-8 September 2019

Everyone loves a great before-and-after story, and this weekend’s bit from the Bible will certainly not disappoint! It’s the account of Paul’s conversion from murderer to missionary, as Jesus himself confronts him and blinds him by a light. These remarkable events are captured in the book of Acts chapter 9, and I’m really looking forward to sharing it with you this weekend.

Our Saturday all-age service is at 5pm, and includes a kids’ program, then dinner, then youth group. Or join us at 9am on Sunday morning for a more classic kind of Anglican service, followed by espresso over morning tea.

During our services we’ll have our weekly question time, and already I’m working hard to prepare some answers to these things that have been asked during church over the past few weeks:

1 Even though Jesus’ family was from Galilee, did they still identify with they tribe of Judah?
2 When Philip left suddenly, did he teleport?
3 Was Stephen sent as a son of God?
4 How did Satan turn from an angel to become the Devil?
5 How do we know that the serpent in Genesis is Satan?
6 Is it right to tell a friend to stop being rude to you?
7 If we don’t love ourselves then does it mean we don’t love God?

If you’ve never been before, then we’d love you to join us. We’ll make you feel really, really welcome! Don’t miss out on what God is doing in his world and how you can know him personally!

Grace and peace, Jodie.