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Our weekend services are at 9am and 4pm Sunday at 45 Churchill Street, Jamberoo.
Coming up this weekend 31 Aug and 1 Sep 2019
This weekend we get to see a classic example of where a plan goes very wrong. The evil one worked through the religious leaders to try and shut down people who were sharing the news of Jesus. So, they killed Stephen, who was one of the main leaders, which resulted in the believers being scattered in every direction. But all it did was super-charge them for evangelism!
This is what the message is all about this weekend, as we look at the New Testament book of Acts, in chapter 8, as we consider the topic ‘Evangelism Explosion!’ If you’re a follower of Jesus then you’ll also be revved up as you hear about how the amazing message of Jesus spread so quickly to the most unlikely of hearers. And if you’re not yet friends with Jesus, you’ll get a great picture of just why this message is so important to believe… and how good it is to be friends with Jesus!
As well as the Bible talk we’re going to hear my answers to your questions from the last few weeks, which are:
1 How did Stephen remember all of the details in his speech?
2 How can Acts 7:22 say that Moses was powerful in speech, when Exodus 4:10 says he wasn’t?
3 Did any of the Jews who stoned Stephen eventually repent?
4 What was the significance of placing coats at Saul’s feet?
5 How long after Stephen’s stoning did Saul get saved?
6 Did Saul change his name to Paul, or keep both names?
7 Are Christians a type of Polish Jew?
So, don’t miss out on joining us this weekend, it’s really going to be quite inspiring! Join us at 5pm on Saturday for an all-age service with kids’ program, two-course dinner, then youth group. Or come at 9am Sunday for a more classic-style Anglican service followed by a latte from our Italian espresso machine.
Grace and peace, Jodie.
Coming up this weekend 24-25 August 2019
Humanly speaking, it’s baffling to try and work out just why the religious leaders were so threatened by the message of Jesus that they were comfortable to punish and even execute those who preached this ‘good news’.
And yet even through these tragic events, Jesus kept building his church, and this is exactly what we see as we look at the next instalment in our series from the New Testament book of Acts called ‘Launching the Church’.
This Saturday and Sunday we’re looking at the remarkable message and courage of a man named Stephen, and we see how his word brought great jealousy and anger to the very people who should have welcomed him.
If you’re coming along with us this weekend, why not read Acts chapter 6 verse 38 to chapter 7 verse 60. The topic of the talk is ‘Stand up for Jesus’.
As well as the talk from the Bible, we’re going to hear answers to these questions that our people have asked via our response slips each week at church:
1 If we model our church on Acts 2:42 they why don’t we also share fully in our possessions?
2 Doesn’t Acts 4:32 suggest that the early Christians had no personal ownership of possessions?
3 Is Acts 5 the only place we learn that the Spirit is God, or does it reaffirm other teachings?
4 Would the flogging of the Apostles be the same as that which Jesus endured?
5 If we act independently due to our free will, then how can God have a plan for our lives?
6 How can we be more focussed on our relationship with Jesus?
7 What should we do if we become distracted from following Jesus?
So, what are you waiting for? Come and join us this weekend on Saturday night at 5pm (with kids’ program, hearty dinner, then youth group), or a more classic Anglican-style service at 9am on Sunday morning (serving delicious espresso coffee) .
Grace and peace, Jodie.
Coming up this weekend 17-18th August 2019
If you’ve seen our church grounds this week then you’ll know that we’re under construction! We’ve been doing all sorts of earthworks as we’ve started to make the grounds around the church look nicer and become even better for all the things we love to do together. But, we’re still totally open for business!
This week we’re looking at a time just after the first Easter when the church was under attack from Satan. He tried to stop the growth of the church through persecution from religious leaders, and then from internal selfishness and corruption, and then finally from distraction from the main activity of speaking about Jesus. We’ll see all this as we look closely at Acts 4:32-6:7.
Plus, in our usual Question and Answer segment, I’ll be answering these questions that you’ve asked over the past few weeks:
1 How can we repent of all our sins if we can’t remember them all?
2 Is it bad for a Christian to want to date a non-Christian?
3 How can we love our neighbour if we don’t love ourself?
4 Can people predict the return of Jesus?
5 If someone believes in Christianity as well as another religion, will they go to heaven?
6 Did Jesus go to hell in the time between his death and resurrection?
7 Would the Bible writer have gone to hell if he made a mistake about Judas’ destiny?
8 Does Acts 4:19 show us how to respond to rulers who tell us to act contrary to God’s ways?
So, be sure to come and join us at 5pm Saturday, for an all-age service with kids’ program, hearty dinner, and youth group. Or come at 9am Sunday for a classic-style Anglican service with some great espresso afterwards.
Hope to see you this weekend!
Grace and peace, Jodie.