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Our weekend services are at 9am and 4pm Sunday at 45 Churchill Street, Jamberoo.
Coming up this week 8-9 June 2019
This long weekend it will be great to have you with us at church. We’re going to hear from Graham Errington on the topic ‘The Son from Hell’, as we continue our journey through the Old Testament book of Judges in chapter 9.
We will also be hearing answers to the questions that were asked from members at our church last week. Actually, we had 14 questions… but I’m only going to answer half of them this week (and roll over the rest in the weeks after). They are:
1 Do Christians in other countries preach the same things as we do in Australia?
2 Can people be healed or “converted” from homosexuality to being heterosexual?
3 Did God make us so that Jesus would die for us all because he wanted Jesus to die?
4 How can you tell if God is working in someone else’s life?
5 Doesn’t God get sick of having to forgive us all the time?
6 Do we have “free will”?
7 Did Gideon crush Zeeb in a winepress?
It’s also an opportunity to share in the Lord’s Supper at both of our church services, which will help us remember afresh the amazing moment in history when Jesus died for us to forgive us for everything. Amazing stuff.
So, be sure to join us at 5pm on Saturday night for all-age church with a creche and kids’ program, followed by a hot and tasty meal together. Or come along at 9am on Sunday morning for a slightly-more ‘classic’ Anglican service, which will be followed by espresso coffee and lots of time to chat and encourage each other.
And, of course, if you’ve never joined us before, or know someone who’s not come to church for a while, then this is a perfect weekend to join us!
Grace and peace, Jodie.
Coming up this weekend 1-2 June 2019
This weekend we’re going to hear the story of Gideon, one of the most famous leaders in the Bible, and the man known for millions of Bibles in hospitals and motels throughout the world. We’re going to consider his dramatic rise to leadership, and then the events that saw his decline.
In all of this, we will have a fresh reminder of how much God loves us and forgives us, even when we fail to serve him as we should. That’s the theme over and over again in the Old Testament book of Judges, and we’ll see more of it this weekend.
As always, we’ve got a stack of questions that you asked last week, and I’m looking forward to answering. They are:
1. Why does God love us when we constantly sin against him?
2. Why did God make us when he knew we would reject him?
3. Why doesn’t God prevent people from making stupid mistakes?
4. Does God love everyone or only Christians?
5. What was the first Christian song?
6. What’s the difference between submitting and serving?
7. Can you be gay and still come to church?
We’d really love you to join us at 5pm Saturday for an all-age and stage church service, with kids programs for toddlers, infants and primary, followed by a hearty dinner for all, then youth group. Or come along on Sunday at 9am for our classic Anglican service, complete with espresso coffee and great morning tea.
If you’ve not come to church for a while, then this is the perfect weekend to join us. Or if you’re a regular, don’t miss out on a great opportunity to serve each other and enjoy the delights of our community.
Grace and peace, Jodie.
Coming up this weekend 25-26 May 2019
We have three big events this weekend, and we’d love you to join us.
Firstly, on Friday night at 6.30pm our highschoolers are heading up the escarpment for a Youth Event in partnership with Robertson Anglican (64 Hoddle Street). If you need a lift, then be at our church at 5:45pm.
Secondly, on Saturday morning at 8am our guys are joining together for a Men’s Breakfast at James Rosten’s house, as we hear from our visiting Canadian men. For more details (and to tell us you’re coming) click this link.
Thirdly, at our 5pm Saturday service we’re having a special Canada Night, which will be followed by Canadian food and games as we hear from our Canadian visitors about what it’s like to be a Christian in the land of ice hockey, maple syrup and moose.
During our two church services, we’ll be hearing the next instalment from our ‘Hope Beyond Chaos’ series in the book of Judges, as I look at chapter 5, where we read of the ‘Chorus of the Saved‘. We’ll also have a question and answer time as I share my thoughts on these beauties from last weekend:
1 How would an Israelite be protected in the Passover if they couldn’t afford to sacrifice a lamb?
2 What is “the unforgivable sin”?
3 Does God “give” or “allow” sickness to happen to people?
4 Why does God kill people in the Bible when he’s supposed to be full of forgiveness and grace?
5 What is a ‘latrine’?
6 Since Catholics believe different things and pray to Mary, will they go to Heaven?
7 Why do we have a question time?
So, we’d love you to come at 5pm on Saturday night for an all-age service (with creche, kids’ programs, dinner, and youth group), or 9am Sunday morning for a more classic Anglican service (with tasty espresso coffee at morning tea).
Grace and peace, Jodie.