Messiah Masterclass 13 – ‘Parables of the Kingdom’ – Matthew 13 – Jodie McNeill – 30 & 31 October 2021

Inside joke

Parables were like ‘in _____’

Jesus didn’t tell this parable _____

Parables are stories that teach a special _____

Parables are not for _________

Jesus’ parables are told to Old Testament ______

Isaiah’s job was to ______ the hearts of God’s people

Jesus is finishing the job of _________ Israel’s hearts

The disciples get to know the _____ of the Kingdom

We need to _______ God’s word properly

Don’t let the highs and lows of life ____ you from Jesus

God’s kingdom will start small, but grow ____

Jesus brings the Messiah’s care to _____

Jesus is making _________ Day clear to his disciples

Do everything to be in the Kingdom of ______

We must value the Old and the New __________

Salvation is a ____ that none of us deserves

Messiah Masterclass 12 – ‘The Sign of the Servant’ – Matthew 12 – Jodie McNeill – 23 & 24 October 2021

We’re getting good at legalism

God’s _____ is at his heart

Serving the king mattered more than keeping the ___

The Pharisees didn’t know the _____ of God

The Pharisees wanted to charge Jesus with a _____

The law-lovers want to kill the author of ____

God has put his ______ in his Servant

Without Jesus there is no ____

Jesus rebukes their claim that he’s _______

Only the Spirit of ___ can win over the spirit of Satan

People reject the ______ when they reject Jesus

The unforgivable sin is permanently _________ Jesus

The window of opportunity is _______

The only sign will be the empty ____

This is the generation that ________ their Messiah

To join Jesus’ family, just do the ____ of God

Legalism kills, but grace _____