Church news for the week beginning 16th July 2016

This weekend’s Bible Talk

This weekend Graham Errington will be speaking to us on the topic, “The Real Christian” from Luke chapter 9 verses 18 to 27.

Mission of the month: Anglicare

Anglicare is our mission of the month. Support this ministry by purchasing gifts from the ‘Mission Table’ in the Hall.

150th Anniversary preparations

Our church building is turning 150 next year, and we’d love to have a celebration! If you are interested in helping organise this special event, please let us know so we can plan a time to meet up together for planning.

Ladies Dinner

You’re invited to join the ladies of Oak Flats and our region this Tuesday 19th July to hear Bronwyn Kyngdon. Dinner is $7 payable on the night at 35 Fisher Street Oak Flats, and there is no need to RSVP.

Combined Leadership Meeting

Saturday, 23rd July is our next Combined Leadership meeting at Jamberoo Anglican Church, starting at 8.30am.


Giving update

Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00.

Olimometer 2.52

Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.

Olimometer 2.52

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Church of England Jamberoo. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562 .