Church news for the week beginning 24th November 2018

This weekend’s Bible talk

This weekend we continue our series on ‘Romans: The Heart of Truth’, with Jodie speaking on the topic ‘What to do with the weak’ from Romans chapter 15 verses 1 to 13.

Mission of the month

Church Missionary Society (CMS) is our mission of the month. Support this ministry through the ‘Mission Table’ in the Hall.

Toys ‘n Tucker

Contribute to the Anglicare Toys ‘n Tucker appeal by putting toys or tucker in the box at the entrance to the church.

Christmas Decorating for SRE

We will be decorating the church for our School Christmas Assembly this Sunday, 25th November (not Monday) at 3:00pm . The colour scheme is red, silver and green. Please come along and join in the fun.

Parish Council

Our Parish Council meets this Monday, 26th November at 7.00pm at the church. Please remember them in your prayers.

Monthly Midweek Service

The next (and final) monthly midweek service (with a special Christmas theme) will be held on Wednesday 5th December at 11am, followed by a light lunch in the hall.

New roster coming soon

If you’re unavailable to serve on a roster from 17 December 2018 through 24 March 2019 please let us know via comment card, email or even better go to

Giving update

Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5112.00, leaving a gap of $1188.00.Olimometer 2.52Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $163,800. Compared to that total we received $144,998, leaving a gap of $18,802.Olimometer 2.52Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Church of England Jamberoo. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562 .