Church news for the week beginning 15th December 2018

This weekend’s Bible talk

This weekend we welcome Simon Chaplin will be bringing us a one-off topic titled “The Song of Zechariah”, speaking from Luke chapter 1 verses 67 to 80. 

Next week’s talk

Next week we welcome Graham Errington who will be speaking on  “The genealogy of Jesus” from Matthew chapter 1 verses 1 to 17. 

Mission of the month

Special Religious Education (SRE) is our mission of the month. Support this ministry through the ‘Mission Table’ in the Hall.Toys ‘n Tucker

McNeill’s away

Jodie and his family will be on leave from the 6th December, and will return on 12th January, but will be popping in on Christmas Day when Jodie will preach. Please contact Graham for pastoral care during this time.

Christmas Carols Service

Next Saturday 22nd December, three days before Christmas, we’re opening our doors at 5pm for a night of Christmas Carols. Invite your friends for this great night of singing and sharing about the saviour of the world!

Christmas Day at 9am

Join us at the special time of 9am on Christmas Day for an all-age, community celebration of the birth of Jesus!

New Rosters

New rosters are out now. If you need a paper version, grab one from the information table, or otherwise log onto to see what dates and roles you are scheduled for.

Giving update

Each week we need to receive $6300.00 in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was $5509.00, leaving a gap of $791.00.Olimometer 2.52Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received $273,000. Compared to that total we received $289,623, leaving a gap of $-16,623.Olimometer 2.52Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: Church of England Jamberoo. Account number: 10081274. BSB: 062562 .