Coming up this week 25th – 26th September 2021

This weekend we’re taking a break from our Matthew series as we welcome our special guest Grahame Scarratt, who will be preaching from 2 John on, ‘The Implications of Truth’. Not to be missed!

Join us Saturday at 5pm or Sunday morning at 9am via our livestream. We would love to have you with us! Head to to participate in our livestream.

If you have any questions, head to our quick links page to fill out a response slip or email us at or send an SMS to 0439 890 086.

Here’s the list of questions that Jodie plans to answer this week:

1 What are some of the highs and lows of full-time gospel work?
2 What are the godly reasons to not pursue full time gospel work?
3 Should we disqualify ourselves from pursuing full time gospel work or should others do that?
4 What version of the Bible does the church use, and why?
5 How can we trust Paul is speaking the word of God and not just his opinion?
6 Who made up the chapters and verses?
7 Why do some chapters start or finish with one sentence left?
8 How can we stay focused on Christ as we live our busy lives?

Don’t forget to invite a friend to watch church with you… online! It’s such a great time to introduce newcomers to our church, especially during the challenges of lockdown!