The End of the World – Revelation Revealed 1: Revealing Christ – Revelation 1 Jamberoo 18-19 April 2020

How do you feel about the future?

Doomsday has become very ____ to us.

A view of Jesus that will blow your ____.

_____ images and supernatural events.

It’s a __________ from Jesus Christ.

We’re going to get _______ by God.

A prophesy is just a ____ from God.

Revelation is just another ______.

Jesus _____ over everything.

The true and living God truly _____ us.

Jesus _______ us by his death.

Jesus is the Old Testament’s _____ come true.

Jesus is the _ to _ of the universe.

The Christian life is about ______ and waiting.

It’s a historic ______ to seven churches.

Apocalyptic writing speaks with ____ pictures.

We are not _____ for Christ is with us.

All who persecute Christians will be ______.

Jesus’ word ____ to the bone.

Jesus says ‘do not be ______’.

You need to ____ at Jesus.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus.

Jesus is alive – John 20:1-18 – Jodie McNeill – Easter Sunday 2020

New life skills.

Every human that _____ will die.

Easter Sunday was ________.

Jesus appears to suffer more _________.

They ___ for their lives.

Jesus’ body couldn’t have been ______.

John believed that Jesus ____ from the dead.

The Old Testament ________ the resurrection.

Mary meets two ______.

Mary didn’t ______ Jesus to rise.

Mary doesn’t _________ Jesus.

Jesus __________ Mary’s misunderstanding.

The _____ tomb is great news.

Does Jesus know your ____?

This is the Easter to ______ Jesus.

Dear God,
Sorry that I have ignored and rejected you.
Thank you that Jesus died to bring me forgiveness.
Thank you that Jesus rose to bring me eternal life.
Please help me to follow Jesus all my days.

Jesus Strong And Kind

Jesus is innocent Good Friday 2020 – Jodie McNeill – Matthew 27:15-26

One story broke through.

We long for _______.

Corruption is at the _____ of Good Friday.

The two people _____ much in common.

They wanted to _______ Jesus by killing him.

Jesus is clearly ________.

The death of Jesus was no ________.

When he sought _______ he was given shame.

Pilate worries about _______, not Jesus.

The blood on them would ____ them.

The guilty set free, the ________ would die.

Call me Barabbas.