4: Glorious Judgement at the End Time Jodie McNeill – 22-23 February 2020
The laptop robbery.
When _______ is served, we celebrate.
Judgement Day is ___________.
Isaiah prophesied about the _________ of Christ.
The Lord will show his _____ when he returns.
God’s enemies will experience everlasting ____.
God already _____ who is guilty and innocent.
Believe in Jesus and you are ____.
Judgement Day is about _________ the judgement.
Everyone will see that God is _________.
Jesus will receive all the _____ when he returns.
All our actions will be ______.
Our sins will be revealed as ________ sins.
Use your _____ for his glory.
Those who reject Jesus will be punished _______.
We need to ____ people about Hell.
Jesus is coming ____!
Jesus’ patience gives people ____ to be saved.
We can’t pick the ______.
Be ______ for Heaven!
Live in the present like you’ll live in the ______.
God’s judgement is ________.
Glorious Judgement 3 – Glorious Judgement at Easter Jodie McNeill – 15 and 16 February 2020
The meaning of the death of Jesus.
God showed us _____.
The blood of the lamb _____ them.
God’s judgement is ____ news.
Jesus often _____ about judgement.
We’re under judgement because of ____________.
Jesus brings ___________ from God.
Christians disagree about the _______ of the cross.
Some say he came to show a good _______.
Some say he died to show us God’s ____.
But Jesus died to save us from ____.
Our broken _____________ needs to be fixed at the cross.
God is _____ at us for good reason.
Jesus’ _________ is mind blowing!
Jesus took God’s _________ upon himself.
God the Father __________ his Son for us.
To be forgiven you must _______ in Jesus.
It’s the great ________.
Have you made that ____ with Jesus?
Dear God,
I am sorry that I have sinned against you.
I know that I deserve your judgement against me.
Please have mercy on me because of Jesus’ sacrifice.
I wish to follow Jesus as my Lord and saviour.
Help me to faithfully serve him all my days.
This the _____ of the cross.
Glorious Judgement in Egypt – Jodie McNeill – 8-9 February 2020 Exodus 1-14, Romans 9
A monument and a name.
Pharaoh was truly ____.
God’s judgement in Eden was ____.
God’s people were ________ in Egypt.
The Egyptians were __________ by the Israelites.
The true and living God will keep his ________.
God _____ to Moses at the burning bush.
God _____.
God was going to ______ his people.
God would rescue his people by his _________.
The salvation would be ___________.
God’s grace is ___________.
God made Pharaoh’s heart more ________.
God’s judgement is linked with _____.
Judgement and mercy is about the _____ of God.
The plagues showed the _____ of God.
The blood _________ God’s faithful people.
The Lord ______ for his people.
God wanted his people to _________ the victory.