What Would Jesus Pray? 2: Jesus Prays for His Disciples John 17 verses 6 to 19 Jodie McNeill – 13 & 14 April 2019

Letters of joy.

Jesus wants his disciples to ________ his prayer.

Jesus has revealed the Father’s ____ to his people.

God _____ his children.

Jesus acted under the Father’s _________.

When you know Jesus, you know the ______.

Jesus prays for the disciples but not the _____.

We have eternal __________ because Jesus wants glory.

The disciples need ______ support.

Jesus prays that the disciples ___ like God.

Our Christian unity needs to be based on _____.

We need keeping in God’s name so we don’t ____ away.

God is in _______ of evil as much as good.

Jesus wants his disciples filled with ___.

The disciples don’t ___ into the world.

Jesus wants us to be _________ by the Father.

As we are gentle and respectful we will be _____ about Jesus.

The Devil doesn’t want us __________ to the world.

Jesus has ________ the Devil, and has given us the Spirit.

The moment you trust Jesus, you are ____ in God’s sight.

We could only be holy because of a ____.

What Would Jesus Pray? 1: Jesus Prays for Glory – John 17 verses 1 to 5 Jodie McNeill – 6 & 7 April 2019

Inside the mind.

_____ is the most famous person in history.

Not the Lord’s Prayer, but the ______ the Lord said.

Jesus’ hour to _____ has come.

The Son gets glory, so God gets glory, so the Son gets _____.

Jesus ______ the ultimate prayer.

It’s good to hear prayers of ____ people.

Jesus looks __ to God.

Jesus addresses God as ______.

Jesus says that the appointed ____ has come.

We’re all going to ___ some day.

In Jesus we see the _____ of God.

Jesus’ greatest glory was his _____.

Jesus wanted to make the Father’s name _____.

Verses 1 and 2 are in ________.

The Father glorifies the Son by giving him ____ over everyone

Jesus’ loving __________ leads him to the cross.

Jesus glorifies the Father by giving us _______ life.

The main reason we get eternal life is for God’s _____.

Our salvation is __________ because God’s glory is guaranteed.

If you’re chosen then you’re ______.

We get the gift of eternal life by _______ God.

Eternal life is about _______ the eternal God.

Jesus gave _____ to the Father through his life and death.

Jesus will receive full glory when he _______ to heaven.

Our salvation is swept up in Jesus’ ________ love.

True Sex in the Song of Songs 4: True Sex is Committed Song of Songs 7:1-8:14 Jodie McNeill – 30 & 31 March 2019

“Love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage.”

Marriage is less ______ than before.

People seek the ________ of commitment.

Her fiancé richly _________ her body

They express their ______ for sexual union.

The woman longs to show ______ affection.

Sexual ________ is beautiful.

Enjoy sex within the __________ of marriage.

____ until the right time.

They enjoy the ________ of marriage.

Love makes a person highly __________.

They protect the _____ from the power of love.

She brings him _____.

The joy of marriage is its ___________.

The more, the _______.

There are ________ in singleness.

Singleness is not _____-_________.

Christians should marry __________.

The ultimate reality is union with ______.

Jesus can wash the most ______ sin clean.

Isn’t love grand!