A summary of what’s happening this weekend

Coming up this weekend 16-17 May

This week we continue our Revelation series as Jodie leads us from chapters 8-11 and the revealing chaos. To watch the livestreams of our services, simply head to watch.jamberooanglican.com.

Please note that our buildings are not open to the public during the pandemic shutdown, but you’re very welcome to join via our livestream.

Each week we have a question and answer segment. To ask a question, simply email us at office@jamberooanglican.com or send an SMS to 0439 890 086.

Join us online this week on Saturday at 5pm for our family service where we have a kids spot, lead by our Youth & Children’s Minister, Rayne (we also have a downloadable PDF for the kids to do while church is on). Or why not join us on Sunday at 9am for a more classic Anglican feel.

Coming up this weekend 9-10 May

This week, Jodie leads us as we continue our Revelation series and look at look chapters 6 & 7 and the tyranny that is revealed. To watch the livestreams of our services, simply head to watch.jamberooanglican.com.

Please note that our buildings are not open to the public during the pandemic shutdown, but you’re very welcome to join via our livestream.

Each week we have a question and answer segment. To ask a question, simply email us at office@jamberooanglican.com or send an SMS to 0439 890 086.

Join us online this week on Saturday at 5pm for our family service where we have a kids segment (and a downloadable PDF for the kids to do while church is on!), or Sunday at 9am for a more classic Anglican feel.

Coming up this weekend 2-3 May

This week we continue our nine-week series called ‘The End of the World: Revelation Revealed‘ as we look at Revelation chapters 4 & 5 and the tyranny that is revealed. To watch the livestreams of our services, simply head to watch.jamberooanglican.com.

Please note that our buildings are not open to the public during the pandemic shutdown, but you’re very welcome to join via our livestream.

Each week we have a question and answer segment. To ask a question, simply email us at office@jamberooanglican.com or send an SMS to 0439 890 086.

Join us online this week on Saturday at 5pm for our family service where we have a kids segment (and a downloadable PDF for the kids to do while church is on!), or Sunday at 9am for a more classic Anglican feel.

Coming up this weekend 25-26 April

This week we continue our nine-week series called ‘The End of the World: Revelation Revealed‘ as we look at Revelation chapters 2 & 3 and the ‘Revealing Confusion‘. To watch the livestreams of our services, simply head to watch.jamberooanglican.com.

Please note that our buildings are not open to the public during the pandemic shutdown, but you’re very welcome to join via our livestream.

Each week we have a question and answer segment. To ask a question, simply email us at office@jamberooanglican.com or send an SMS to 0439 890 086.

Join us online this week on Saturday at 5pm for our family service where we have a kids segment (and a downloadable PDF for the kids to do while church is on!), or Sunday at 9am for a more classic Anglican feel.

Coming up this weekend 18-19 April

This week we are beginning a new nine-week series on the book of Revelations, called ‘The End of the World: Revelation Revealed‘. Even through these uncertain times, we have rich assurance in Jesus, which we will explore this week in the sermon ‘Revealing Christ‘. To watch the livestreams of our services, simply head to watch.jamberooanglican.com.

Please note that our buildings are not open to the public during the pandemic shutdown, but you’re very welcome to join via our livestream.

Each week we have a question and answer segment. To ask a question, simply email us at office@jamberooanglican.com or send an SMS to 0439 890 086.

Join us online this week on Saturday at 5pm for our family service where we have a kids segment (and a downloadable PDF for the kids to do while church is on!), or Sunday at 9am for a more classic Anglican feel.

Coming up this weekend 11-12 April

Over this coming Easter weekend we continue our Jesus Is___ series, as I lead us on Good Friday at 9am from Matthew chapter 27 on the topic ‘Jesus is Our Innocence‘. In our normal Saturday and Sunday services, we will be looking at John chapter 20 about how ‘Jesus is Alive‘. We will be broadcasting all services on Facebook live, join us at www.facebook.com/jamberooanglican.

Please note that our buildings are not open to the public during the pandemic shutdown, but you’re very welcome to join via our livestream.

Each week we have a question and answer segment. To ask a question, simply email us at office@jamberooanglican.com or send an SMS to 0439 890 086.

Join us online this week on Good Friday at 9am, Saturday at 5pm for our family service, or Sunday at 9am for a more classic Anglican feel.

Grace and peace,

Coming up this weekend 4-5 April

This week we continue our Jesus Is___ series, as I lead us from John chapter 14 on the topic ‘Jesus is True‘. We will be broadcasting both services on Facebook live, join us at www.facebook.com/jamberooanglican.

Please note that our buildings are not open to the public during the pandemic shutdown, but you’re very welcome to join via our livestream.

Each week we have a question and answer segment. To ask a question, simply email us at office@jamberooanglican.com or send an SMS to 0439 890 086.

Join us online on Saturdays at 5pm for our family service, or Sundays at 9am for a more classic Anglican feel.

Grace and peace,

Coming up this weekend 28-29 March 2020

This week we continue our Jesus Is___ series, as I lead us from John chapter 15 on the topic ‘Jesus is Fulfilling‘. We will be broadcasting both services on Facebook live, join us at www.facebook.com/jamberooanglican.

Please note that our buildings are not open to the public during the pandemic shutdown, but you’re very welcome to join via our livestream.

Each week we have a question and answer segment. To ask a question, simply email us at office@jamberooanglican.com or send an SMS to 0439 890 086.

Join us online on Saturdays at 5pm for our family service, or Sundays at 9am for a more classic Anglican feel.

Grace and peace,

Coming up this weekend 21-22 March 2020

This week we continue our ‘Jesus Is___’ series as Jodie speaks to us on the topic, ‘Jesus is the Light’. Due to changes from the current Coronavirus crisis, our special guest Ben Pfahlert will not be joining us, but will come and speak to us in the coming months.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we will not be meeting this weekend at church face-to-face, but will instead be meeting online at our Facebook page, www.facebook.com/jamberooanglican and we’d love you to join us there. It will go live at the normal times of 5pm Saturday and 9am Sunday. Our church members are watching from their homes, and if you’d like to be with them, then let us know and we’ll connect you.

Each week in our services we have a question and answer segment which people ask by filling in response slips or sending an electronic message. Here are the questions that we’ll be hearing answers to this week:

1 If God will “never let us go”, then why do some Christians turn away from him?
2 Why does God let the devil tempt people to turn away from Christianity?
3 When people stop following Jesus, did they ever really know him?
4 Will the people who ate the first bread in the desert go to heaven or hell?
5 If there are no disabilities in heaven then why do we sing about Jesus’ heavenly scars?
6 How and why did Paul hand some people “over to Satan to be taught not to blaspheme”?
7 Does God answer our prayers through the people we meet?

Please keep praying for our world at this time. We live in an uncertain moment, but we know we can have certainty in Christ.

Grace and peace,

Coming up this weekend 14-15 March 2020

This week we are kickstarting our ‘Jesus Is___‘ campaign, a six-week series on who Jesus is. I will be leading this week’s sermon ‘Jesus Is Satisfying‘ as we look at John chapter 6 verses 35 to 59.

Each week in our services we have a question and answer segment, and here are this week’s questions:

1 How can we retain our Bible knowledge so that we can use it when sharing the gospel?

2 What is the best way to tell people about Jesus: a sit-down meal or a plain-old conversation?

3 If God knew we were going to sin and turn against Him, why did He create us?

4 Can people be demon-possessed today, and if so, what does it look like?

5 Should we be fasting today as Christians, and if so, what for and when?

6 Is it OK that we seem to speak more about Jesus than ‘God’?

7 Does God love everybody equally?

Come along on Saturdays at 5pm for our family service where we have a kids program, followed by dinner and a youth group for years 6-12. Or why not come along on Sundays at 9am for a more classic Anglican style service, followed by morning tea and hot espresso.

Grace and peace,