A summary of what’s happening this weekend

Coming up this Easter weekend 19-21 April 2019

Easter is a very special time to be at church because it’s the time when we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus. Our services this Easter weekend are:

GOOD FRIDAY 9am: an all-age service to reflect on the death of Jesus for us.
EASTER SATURDAY 5pm: an all-age service with kids’ program, followed by dinner together.
EASTER SUNDAY 9am: a classic Anglican service followed by espresso morning tea.

On Friday, I’ll be preaching on how the death of Jesus is actually a great moment of injustice… but Jesus did it for us. It’s all about the two criminals on the crosses who died alongside Jesus from Luke chapter 23.

Then on Saturday and Sunday I’ll be preaching from John chapter 17 verses 20 to 26 where we find out what Jesus prayed for us on the night before he died, and why this changes everything.

On Saturday and Sunday we’ll include our weekly question and answer segment, and I’ll be answering these questions from last weekend:

1 What warnings does the Bible give about dreams?
2 How does God look down on everybody at the same time?
3 Is it God’s job to love us?
4 How did Jesus act under authority when he is the Father?
5 Do we believe that holy water will protect us from sickness?
6 If your relative goes to Hell, then will you feel sad?
7 Why didn’t Jesus tell Judas not to betray him?
8 Should we forgive Judas for his treachery?
9 Would you agree with Mikhail Gorbachev’s who said, “Even God didn’t create a perfect world; even God couldn’t cope with this society; I don’t think that was his plan”?

This is a very special weekend to join us for church, so we’d love to welcome you with us this Easter.

Grace and peace, Jodie McNeill.

Coming up this weekend 13-14 April 2019

Speaking to many people last week, it was clear that the new Bible Talk series on Jesus’ prayer to his Father has really had a big impact on us. Jesus prayed for his glory, so that his Father would get the glory, and because of that, his chosen people get certain eternal life. Amazing. If you missed the talk then you can catch up by listening on our Talks page.

So, be sure to join us this coming weekend for the next instalment as I preach from John chapter 17 verses 6 to 19, as we hear what Jesus prayed for his disciples, and what that means for us.

If you’ve never joined us before, then you really need to pop in! We absolutely love visitors, so come along at 5pm on Saturday for an all-age service with kids’ program, a terrific dinner together, then youth group for the teenagers afterwards. Or come at 9am Sunday for a more classic Anglican service, followed by espresso coffee at morning tea.

Plus, during our services we have a question and answer spot, where I get to answer your questions from last week. And they are:

1 Is it OK to be single or a virgin if you’re not wanting to grow up to be a nun?
2 Is it acceptable to divorce if the husband and wife were not Christians when married, but one later becomes a believer?
3 Whilst we won’t have married relationships in heaven, won’t we still know people there?
4 Will we feel sadness in heaven about the people who are suffering eternally in hell?
5 How is there any ‘cool’ way to die?
6 Why does God choose to save some people but not others?
7 Can we truly forgive someone who continues to do wrong to you and doesn’t repent?

Can’t wait to see you this weekend!

Grace and peace, Jodie.

Coming up 6-7 April 2019

Well having spent four weeks looking at sex (listen to the recordings here if you missed them), we’re now going to spend some time reflecting on the prayer that Jesus prayed to his Father on the night before he died. It’s from the New Testament Gospel of John, chapter 17, and our series is called ‘What would Jesus pray?’

For our first week, I’ll be helping us look closely at what Jesus prayed to his Father about his own glorification in verses 1 to 5, as he prepared for the most important part of his mission to earth. This is very important for us, today, as it shows us where Jesus’ priorities lie, and why it matters that this continues to be at the heart of what he desires for us and for the universe.

We also love to meet together to hear answers to the questions you asked last week, and here they are:

1. What place does dreaming have in the Christian life?
2. What does Mary’s headpiece represent?
3. Why didn’t Jesus have a wife?
4. Are there any relationships in heaven?
5. What does the Bible say about when it is permissible to remarry?
6. Why should a person give up the fun things in life in order to become a Christian?

So, we’d love you to join us at 5pm on Saturday (with a kids’ program, then dinner together, then youth group), or 9am on Sunday (for a classic Anglican service, followed by excellent espresso coffee).

Can’t wait to see you this weekend!

Grace and peace, Jodie McNeill.

Coming up this weekend 30-31 March 2019

It’s been quite an experience for us as we’ve spent the past three weekends looking at the topic ‘True Sex in the Song of Songs’… a study of a remarkable book of the Bible. Some people have thought that this book simply describes the love of Jesus for his church, but it doesn’t take much to realise that its really just about sex.

This week is the fourth week, and we’re looking at the topic ‘True Sex is Committed’, as we explore what the Bible says about commitment… which will lead us to cover marriage and singleness, and a whole lot more. Our Bible passage is chapters 7 and 8 from Song of Songs.

As part of our normal gatherings we spend a little time hearing some answers to questions from last week, and here are the questions you can look forward to hearing answers for:

1. Given that Baal is the moon god, does this mean that Allah is a reincarnation of Baal because Islam’s symbol is a crescent moon?
2. Since Jesus will reject some people who say “Lord, Lord” (Matthew 7), then why will a person be saved simply by confessing Jesus is Lord (Romans 10)?
3. What does it mean in Song of Songs when it says, “the watchmen made their rounds”?
4. Is marriage a human ‘right’?
5. Does the Bible talk about whether it’s right to marry a non-Christian?
6. How do new-age feminists’ values line up with Christian values?
7. How should we discuss the topic of sex with non-Christian friends who are sexually-active and unmarried?
8. When you say that a “survivor should seek counselling”, who are you referring to?
9. How can I recover from the trauma of sexual abuse when I feel like I’m not good enough for God to heal me?
10. If someone likes tattoos but not hymns, doesn’t this disprove your theory about the modern attraction to ancient forms of worship?
11. Why don’t our services include a reading from the New Testament every week?

If you’ve never joined us before, then this is a perfect week to come along. Join us on Saturday at 5pm, for church with a kids’ and youth program, followed by a hearty dinner together. Or come on Sunday at 9am for church followed by a terrific espresso coffee.

I’m really hoping you’ll join us this weekend! It will be awesome to have you with us.

Grace and peace, Jodie.

Coming up this weekend 23-24 March 2019

Quite a few people have mentioned that they’ve been coming to church for decades and they’ve never before heard a talk series on sex and the Song of Songs. This has meant we’ve had lots to think about and talk about as we’ve met for dinner or coffee after church. We’d love you to come along and be a part of this challenging discussion by joining us for the talk ‘True Sex is Secure’.

In particular, we’re going to be addressing some of the things that happen when the secure bonds of sex are broken. We’ll be looking at issues of rejection and abuse in relationships, and this will lead us to explore just where God is in the midst of these kinds of horrible things in life.

As part of our regular church services, we also have a question and answer time, and these are the questions I’ll be answering that you asked last weekend:

  1. Is it wise and helpful for Christians to visit mosques to show support after the Christchurch massacre?
  2. In the Song of Songs, the woman’s virginity was attractive to the man, but what about the man’s virginity?
  3. What advice should we give to a Christian man whose wife withholds sex from him?
  4. What does ‘abundant’ praise mean in the context of Song of Songs?
  5. What was your most romantic gesture to Mandy?
  6. If we sing old words in church then won’t visitors think that God is out of date?
  7. Shouldn’t Christians avoid non-spiritual Yoga classes because its origin is in Hinduism?

So, come along and join us either at 5pm Saturday (with kids and youth programs, and dinner for all straight after church), or 9am Sunday (with espresso over morning tea). Nearly every week we welcome someone new to our church, so if you just want to pop in and check us out then you’ll be very welcome.

Grace and peace, Jodie.

Coming up this weekend 16-17 March 2019

Well maybe it was because we were talking about sex, but last weekend was probably our biggest weekend in recent history, as we gathered in great number to hear God’s word, to pray to him, and to do it in a community of energetic, enthusiastic and loving disciples of Christ.

If you’re thinking of joining us this weekend, you’d be very, very welcome. We love it when new people come along, and we really do go out of our way to include visitors and newcomers. God is working among us to draw many people into our church, and maybe this is the weekend you’re going to experience that, first-hand?

Our topic this weekend is ‘True Sex is Honourable’, as we look at our second instalment in the four-week series on the Old Testament book, ‘The Song of Songs’. It’s going to be an important word from God about an issue that touches all of us in a real way. Don’t miss out!

Each week we have some questions from the week before that we answer. Here they are for this week:

  1. Where does the Bible say that slavery is wrong?
  2. Would you recommend Melinda Tankard Reist as a resource against child sexual trafficking?
  3. Is it OK for Christians to attend a yoga exercise class?

Our service times are 5pm Saturday, which caters really well for kids and youth, but still includes good numbers of people from all ages and stages. We have dinner afterwards, then they youth hang around for their group. Or, join us 9am Sunday for a classic Anglican service, which includes espresso coffee for morning tea.

Coming up this weekend 9-10 March 2019

This week we’re talking about love, sex and marriage! (CREDIT: Theo Crazzolara via Flickr.com)

It’s been a buzz to welcome so many new people to our church over the past few weekends, and we’d really love you to join us at 5pm Saturday or 9am Sunday.

This weekend we begin a four-week series called ‘True Sex in the Song of Songs’. We’re going to look at the book of the Bible that is dedicated to sex, and learn what God thinks about this very important part of our human life.

This week’s topic is ‘True Sex is Wonderful’, where we will see that God is far from being anti-sex… because he made sex, and he made it to be enjoyed… which is truly wonderful.

You can learn more about this week’s talk by checking out this link https://jamberooanglican.com/2019/03/08/does-god-hate-sex/

Like every week, we spend some time answering your questions from the previous weeks, and this time we’ve got some pretty meaty issues to discuss:

  1. Should Christians be active in protecting the Judeo-Christian virtues of our society?
  2. Should we use secular reasoning to engage with the world, or only Biblical arguments?
  3. The Bible appears to be in conflict with science, so how can we help unbelievers with this hurdle?
  4. What can we do to help bring an end to the sex trafficking of children?
  5. What is our new body going to be like in heaven?

So, join us for dinner after our 5pm Saturday service, which includes a kids’ program, with youth program after dinner. Or come at 9am Sunday for a more classic Anglican service, with some great espresso right after our service.

Grace and peace, Jodie.

Coming up this weekend 2-3 March 2019

We’re banging the drum for Bolivia this weekend! (CREDIT: OpenDemocracy via Flickr)


This weekend we’re having a special South American feel, as we welcome our special friends, Adrian and Anita Lovell (along with Matias, the newest member of their family).

The Lovells serve in Cochabamba, Bolivia, which is a country in South America. They are missionaries with CMS (The Church Missionary Society) and their job is to help Christian leaders grow in their understanding of the Bible, so they can teach and influence others with the great news of Jesus.

To celebrate, we’re going to have a special Bolivia night this weekend, with special Bolivian food and trivia during our after-church dinner. So, be sure to turn up at 5pm Saturday 2nd March, and hang around for dinner, which will finish around 8pm.

During our 5pm Saturday and 9am Sunday services, Adrian Lovell will be our guest preacher, and we’ll also have a special opportunity to learn more about what these Aussies do in faraway Cochabamba!

As always, we’re also having a bunch of questions answered during our services and here they are:

  1. If church is dual-action, then should we avoid running men’s dinners, kids’ clubs and other community events?
  2. Does God speak to us through the Bible using audible voices or words on our heart, and how do we know it’s really him speaking to us?
  3. What does verse 15 mean when it speaks about singing in the Spirit?
  4. Is it good for Christians to be on social media?
  5. Are there surfing beaches in Heaven?
  6. Will there be espresso in Heaven?
  7. If there is technology in Heaven, will it be Apple or Android?

If you’ve not come before, then this is an awesome weekend to join us. Sunday’s service is a little more classic in style, and Saturday night is a little more relaxed and has a bunch of kids and youth programs happening as well. We’d really, really love to see you!

Grace and peace, Jodie.

Coming up this weekend 23-24 February 2019

We had a cracker of a time last weekend as we gathered together to encourage each other as we look forward to Jesus’ return, real soon. That was the main message of the Bible talk, and this weekend we’re considering just how it is that God is gathering more and more people into his church. In other words, it’s the topic of ‘evangelism’.

If you’re a person who already knows Jesus but is looking for a church to visit or join, then come along this weekend at 5pm on Saturday (with dinner and programs for kids and youth), or 9am on Sunday (with Lord’s Supper, espresso coffee and a more ‘classic’ Anglican styled church).

If you’re not yet a follower of Jesus, then you should definitely drop in this weekend. We’d love you to tyre-kick church and check out what makes Christians tick. Come along, feel at home, ask lots of questions, and join our family. It’s really special.

Part of church each week is our Q&A segment, where I answer the tough questions you asked me via the response slip at church or via SMS. Here are the questions lined up for this weekend:

  1. Why does Genesis 1 say that God created male and females from dust, and then in the next chapter say he created the man and then later made the woman from his rib?
  2. Why do we sing hymns when we could instead read them from the Bible in a more powerful way?
  3. Why shouldn’t we just end our lives and go to heaven to be with God right now?
  4. Since we no longer possess the actual timber cross upon which Jesus died, then do we still have any altar?
  5. Did you and Mandy visit the place in Jerusalem where Jesus died on the cross?
  6. Is there technology in heaven?

So, come along and come alive! See you Saturday or Sunday!


Coming up this weekend at church 16-17 Feb 2019

Last week was such a buzz as God is bringing more people to be a part of our village and valley church at Jamberoo Anglican… and if you’re thinking of popping in, then we’d really love you to join us.

This weekend we continue our look at our Bible talk series on how God’s building his church, as we consider what is supposed to be happening when we actually ‘do’ church. I’ll be preaching on the New Testament letter of Hebrews, chapter 10, and I’m praying it will help us understand more clearly how Jesus’ life, death, and continuing ministry turns our view of church upside down. Exciting stuff!

During our two services we’ll be having our regular ‘Q&A’ segment, and here are the questions we’ve been asked so far:

  1. Isn’t there still a distinction between the ‘pastor’ and ‘teacher’ in Ephesians 4:11?
  2. Since some pastors are weak at teaching, doesn’t this suggest that these two roles don’t go together?
  3. Did the kids of Adam and Eve get married, given that they were the only people on earth?
  4. How was God made?
  5. What would you say when someone says that God isn’t real?

So, be sure to join us this weekend, either at 5pm Saturday (with kids and youth programs and a terrific dinner together straight after), or 9am Sunday (with a classic Anglican service with espresso coffee and morning tea at the end).

We’d love to see you there! Jodie.