This Sunday we are trying something a little different… it’s called ‘Schools Out, Kids In’ and it’s an opportunity during the next three weeks of school holidays for us to make our intergenerational services even more age-appropriate for those who are Kindergarten through to Year 6, who will stay with us during the slightly-shorter sermon.
Our creche will still run with a special holiday crew caring for the kids who haven’t yet started school, and that will operate during the sermon.
The sermon will be the final in our ‘The Spirit of Christ’ series, as Jodie looks at the other coming of the Holy Spirit during the book of Acts, when through the extraordinary events surrounding a Gentile called Cornelius, the Spirit led Peter and his friends to realise that the gospel was for all nations and peoples, not just for the Jews. The talk is called ‘The Spirit of Mission’ and it’s from Acts 9:43-11:18.
During the next three weeks of school holidays we won’t be having a question time, but keep asking your questions so that we can store them up for Term 2 when we resume.
Every day (except Sundays) we meet at 7am online for an online half-hour morning prayer time at and you’re very welcome to join us!
After church we’ll have brunch in the morning and dinner in the evening, so there’s plenty of time to chat and chew, together!
See you on Sunday, God willing!