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Our weekend services are at 9am and 4pm Sunday at 45 Churchill Street, Jamberoo.

Coming up this Sunday 19th November 2023

This Sunday we are going to be hearing from God’s word as Jodie McNeill continues our six-week series on Two Ways To Live with ‘Repentance and Faith’.

After our 9 am service we’ll be enjoying brunch together, and after our 4 pm service we’ll be having dinner.

On Sunday morning we’ll be welcoming people to the baptisms of Olivia and Elijah Wales… which will be a wonderful occasion!

We’d love you to join us in-person if you’re able, or watch our livestream at watch.jamberooanglican.com.

Here are the questions you’ve asked that Jodie plans to answer during church this Sunday:

1 What was Martha was distracted with in Luke 10?
2 If God made the world perfect then why did Adam and Eve sin?
3 Did God know that Adam and Eve were going to sin?
4 When believers die, do they go straight to heaven, or later at the second coming?
5 Does the Lord give people a final invitation to follow him on their deathbed?
6 What makes the ‘cultish’ things we do in church not cultish?
7 Why did Miriam’s death in Numbers 20:1 get only one, short sentence?
8 Do you think there are fewer questions because Connect Cards aren’t handed out?

If you’d like to add a question to the list, then send an email or message… there’s still plenty of room for your question!

See you on Sunday, God willing!

Coming up this Sunday 12th November 2023

This Sunday we are going to be hearing from God’s word as Jodie McNeill continues our six-week series on Two Ways To Live with ‘Resurrection’.

After our 9 am service we’ll be enjoying brunch together, and after our 4 pm service we’ll be having dinner.

We’d love you to join us in-person if you’re able, or watch our livestream at watch.jamberooanglican.com.

Here are the questions you’ve asked that Jodie plans to answer during church this Sunday:

1 Did God need to become a man so he could help us repent?
2 Were people who died before Jesus also saved?
3 Can the devil fire his flaming arrows at any time?
4 Can an attack of the devil cause Christians to suffer?
5 How should we feel after we’ve given into temptation?
6 How do we know when to literally obey the Bible?
7 Why is church called ‘church?’
8 Can we run some special events for unbelievers?
9 Can people in heaven see our actions?

If you’d like to add a question to the list, then let us know.

See you on Sunday, God willing!

Coming up this Sunday 5th November 2023

This Sunday we are going to be hearing from God’s word as Jodie McNeill continues our six-week series on Two Ways To Live with ‘Atonement’.

After our 9 am service we’ll be enjoying brunch together, and after our 4 pm service we’ll be having dinner.

Here are your questions that Jodie plans to answer this Sunday:

1 It is possible to believe in universalism and also be a genuine Christian?
2 What are the ‘seraphim and cherubim’ in the song ‘Holy, Holy, Holy?’
3 What are the ‘5 Solas?’
4 What are the extra books of the Bible called the ‘Apocrypha?’
5 How and why did God send an evil spirit to Saul? (1 Samuel 16:14)
6 Was Jesus’ death enough to save us, or did we also need his resurrection?
7 What are some practical ways to bring non-believers into God’s love?

We’d love you to join us in-person if you’re able, or watch our livestream at watch.jamberooanglican.com.

See you on Sunday, God willing!