If you’re planning to visit us, be sure to check out this page to find out everything you need to know as a first-timer.

Our weekend services are at 9am and 4pm Sunday at 45 Churchill Street, Jamberoo.

Coming up this weekend 3rd – 4th September 2016

This weekend Jodie concludes the series ‘Two Ways to Live’ with the sixth talk “The choice” from Matthew chapter 6 verse 24, chapter 7 verses 13 to 14 & verses 24 to 27, and John chapter 3 verses 16 to 18 & verse 36.

We will also share the Lord’s Supper at 5pm Saturday, so be sure to join us for this important reminder of the death of Jesus.

Our 8am Sunday service will be a Morning Prayer AAPB service.

If you’re wanting to check out our church we’d really love you to visit us on Saturday at 5pm for a contemporary service with kids’ program and dinner afterwards, or come along on Sunday at 8am for a Prayer Book service.

If you can’t make it in person, you’re welcome to jump online to watch the service (with the same sermon and many other items) at www.oakflats.tv.

Coming up this weekend 27th – 28th August 2016

This weekend Jodie continues the series ‘Two Ways to Live’ with the fifth talk “The resurrection” from Acts chapter 2 verses 22 to 24, verse 36 and Acts chapter 17 verses 22 to 31.

At our 5pm Saturday service we will be meeting one of our church members, and getting to know them a little better.

Our 8am Sunday service will be a Holy Communion Second Order AAPB service.

If you’re wanting to check out our church we’d really love you to visit us on Saturday at 5pm for a contemporary service with kids’ program and dinner afterwards, or come along on Sunday at 8am for a Prayer Book service.

If you can’t make it in person, you’re welcome to jump online to watch the service (with the same sermon and many other items) at www.oakflats.tv.

Coming up this weekend 20th – 21st August 2016

This weekend Jodie continues the series ‘Two Ways to Live’ with the fourth talk “The cross” from Isaiah chapter 53 verses 3 to 6, verses 9 to 10 and 1 Peter chapter 2 verses 22 to 24, chapter 3 verse 18.

At both our services we will hear a mission update about CMS – our mission of the month.

Our 8am Sunday service will be a Morning Prayer Sunday service.

If you’re wanting to check out our church we’d really love you to visit us on Saturday at 5pm for a contemporary service with kids’ program and dinner afterwards, or come along on Sunday at 8am for a Prayer Book service.

If you can’t make it in person, you’re welcome to jump online to watch the service (with the same sermon and many other items) at www.oakflats.tv.