If you’re planning to visit us, be sure to check out this page to find out everything you need to know as a first-timer.

Our weekend services are at 5pm Saturday and 9am Sunday at 45 Churchill Street, Jamberoo.

Coming up this Sunday 12th March 2023 

This Sunday we are going to be hearing from God’s word as Jodie McNeill preaches to us from 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 on ‘Australian Idols’.

After our 9am service we’ll be enjoying brunch together, and after our 4pm service we’ll be having dinner.

We’d love you to join us in-person if you’re able, or watch our livestream at watch.jamberooanglican.com.

Here are the questions that Jodie plans to answer for us this Sunday:

1 Since God said it’s, “not good for the man to be alone,” why is singleness better?
2 If everyone chose to be single, how would anyone have kids?
3 How does God’s definition of marriage differ to society?
4 How should we react to the anti-Christian jokes in society?
5 Why doesn’t our church stand during the Gospel reading?
6 Could we please pray regularly for TIGS?
7 Is there a bell in our bell tower, and if so, is that what rings each Sunday?

If you’d like to submit your own question to be answered in church in the future, then simply hit ‘reply’ to this email.

We’re really looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!

Coming up this Sunday 5th March 2023

This Sunday we are going to be hearing from God’s word as Jodie McNeill preaches to us from 1 Corinthians 7:25-40 on ‘Single Minded’.

After our 9am service we’ll be enjoying brunch together, and after our 4pm service we’ll be having dinner.

We’d love you to join us in-person if you’re able, or watch our livestream at watch.jamberooanglican.com.

Here are the questions that Jodie plans to answer on Sunday:

1 If Jesus is perfect, why did he cry on the cross?
2 What’s the difference between sexual temptation and sexual sin?
3 If we think about someone lustfully for a few seconds then is that sin or temptation?
4 Is grace an inward power that helps us to do what we wouldn’t normally want to do?
5 Doesn’t 1 Corinthians 7:39 tell Christians to only marry other believers?
6 How can we better strengthen the marriages within our church?
7 Why is Jesus barefoot in all the windows?
8 Should we listen to or sing music by Hillsong?
9 What’s the best catechism to use to teach our kids?
10 When are the new chairs arriving?

If you’d like to submit your own question to be answered in church in the future, then simply hit ‘reply’ to this email.

We’re really looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!

Coming up this Sunday 26th February 2023

This Sunday we are going to be hearing from God’s word as Jodie McNeill preaches to us from 1 Corinthians 7:10-22 on ‘Living and Leaving’.

After our 9am service we’ll be enjoying brunch together, and after our 4pm service we’ll be having dinner.

We’d love you to join us in-person if you’re able, or watch our livestream at watch.jamberooanglican.com.

Here are the questions Jodie plans on answering this Sunday:

1 Why is communion called a ‘holy sacrament?’
2 Aren’t sexually immoral thoughts a sin, even if they’re not acted upon?
3 If the ‘special gift’ is contentment, then what should singles do if they’re not content?
4 What does it mean for married couples to refrain from sex, “to give themselves more completely to prayer?”
5 Isn’t ‘The Voice’ a cultural Marxist drive to deconstruct our society’s godly principles?
6 When you said, “just ask and Jesus will forgive you,” is it Jesus, or is it the Father who forgives?
7 When the thieves on the cross died, where were their bodies put?
8 If there were no other humans around outside Eden, then did Cain marry his sister?
9 Do Romans 13:8 and Proverbs 22:7 speak against us borrowing money to buy a house?
10 Is it just me, or do others find the new Q&A photos a bit distracting?

If you’d like to submit your own question to be answered in church in the future, then simply hit ‘reply’ to this email.

We’re really looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!