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Our weekend services are at 9am and 4pm Sunday at 45 Churchill Street, Jamberoo.

Coming up this weekend 7th April 2024

This Sunday we have the first of two ‘bonus talks’ from our series by Jodie called The Spirit of Christ as we look at two other passages about the Holy Spirit in the Bible. This week it’s ‘The Spirit of Power’ from Acts 2:1-41, the famous coming of the Spirit at Pentecost.

Here are the questions that Jodie plans to answer during our church services:

1 Who did Hosea prophesy his message to?
2 When will the covenant of Hosea 2:18 be experienced?
3 Is it OK that ‘The Chosen’ uses words that aren’t in the Bible?
4 Why are there so many different Christian denominations?
5 Is our earthly knowledge eternal?

If you’d like to add a question to the list, there’s still time… send and email or message and we’ll get Jodie to answer it this weekend.

Every day (except Sundays) we meet at 7am online for an online half-hour morning prayer time at zoom.jamberooanglican.com and you’re very welcome to join us!

After church we’ll have brunch in the morning and dinner in the evening, so there’s plenty of time to chat and chew, together!

See you on Sunday, God willing!

Coming up this Easter weekend!

This Good Friday we’re meeting at 9am for a special combined all-age service in the church, to be followed by hot cross buns and espresso. Jodie is speaking on the topic, The Spirit of Fulfilment from John 19:28-37.

Then on Easter Sunday we meet at 9am for free Bacon and Egg Rolls, followed at 10am by an open-air ‘Alive Day’ service on the lawn on The Spirit of Peace (John 20:19-23), then games and more Hot Cross Buns together.

We will not be meeting at church this Sunday night.

We’ll carry over the Question Time till the next weekend, but keep sending your questions!

Every day (except Sundays) we meet at 7am online for an online half-hour morning prayer time at zoom.jamberooanglican.com and you’re very welcome to join us!

See you on Friday and Sunday morning, God willing!

PS – who will you invite along? It’s such a great weekend to invite someone to come to church!

Coming up this weekend 24th March 2024

This Sunday we continue our series by Jodie called The Spirit of Christ from John chapters 13 to 16 as we experience the extraordinary night before his death as he gathers with his disciples. We’re looking this weekend at John 16:12-31 as we see the ‘Spirit of Hope’.

Here are the questions that Jodie plans to answer during our church services:

1 How high should we value truth as a conviction?
2 If God has predestined people, why should we share the gospel?
3 Are we in the West unprepared for persecution because we’ve enjoyed the peace of living in a Christian society?

If you’d like to add a question to the list, there’s still time… send and email or message and we’ll get Jodie to answer it this weekend.

Every day (except Sundays) we meet at 7am online for an online half-hour morning prayer time at zoom.jamberooanglican.com and you’re very welcome to join us!

After church we’ll have brunch in the morning and dinner in the evening, so there’s plenty of time to chat and chew, together!

See you on Sunday, God willing!