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Our weekend services are at 9am and 4pm Sunday at 45 Churchill Street, Jamberoo.

Coming up this weekend 27-28 February

This weekend Jodie McNeill will be continuing our series on 1 Kings ‘Power and Hope’ as we look through chapters five and six.

If you have any questions, simply fill out a response slip during the service, email us at office@jamberooanglican.com or send an SMS to 0439 890 086.

Here are the questions that Jodie plans to answer this weekend. If your question isn’t here, then don’t worry… we’ll try and fit it in over the coming weeks!

1 Why did Bathsheba say, “may my Lord King David live forever!”, when he was about to die?
2 Why didn’t King Solomon show mercy to his brother-in-law?
3 Did God’s promises justify the murders by King Solomon when he first became king?
4 What do you think about capital punishment?
5 When someone says, “surely as the Lord lives” (1 Kings 2:24), do they think that God can die?
6 Why did Jesus tell people he healed not to share the news of their healing with others?
7 Was God happy for Solomon to have so many wives?
8 Is it right for a Christian to marry a non-Christian?
9 Is it wrong for Christians to read and believe in star signs?
10 Does a person need to have a true faith in God to possess godly wisdom?

Join us this Saturday at 5pm where after church at 7pm we’re having a pizza party birthday bash for Jodie & Mandy!

Or join us Sunday at 9am where we’ll gather for church, and then after will have fellowship over morning tea and tasty espresso!

We have kids programs at both of our services! Join us for ‘Joeys’ (toddlers through to preschool), ‘Junior Roos’ (for school years K to 2), and ‘Senior Roos’ (for school years 3 to 6). Our service is live streamed to the TV in the hall so if you need to stay with your child, you won’t miss out on God’s word.

If you can’t make it in person, head to watch.jamberooanglican.com to watch our livestream. To catch up on previous sermons, head to our Youtube channel youtube.jamberooanglican.com.

Coming up this weekend 20-21 February

This weekend Graham Errington continues our series ‘Power and Hope’ as we look through chapters three and four of 1 Kings.

If you have any questions, simply fill out a response slip during the service, email us at office@jamberooanglican.com or send an SMS to 0439 890 086.

Join us on Saturday at 5pm where after church we’ll have dinner together, followed by ‘Nightlife’ until 9pm for all ages.

Or join us Sunday at 9am where we’ll gather for church, and then after will have fellowship over morning tea and tasty espresso!

We have kids programs at both of our services! Join us for ‘Joeys’ (toddlers through to preschool), ‘Junior Roos’ (for school years K to 2), and ‘Senior Roos’ (for school years 3 to 6). Our service is live streamed to the TV in the hall so if you need to stay with your child, you won’t miss out on God’s word.

If you can’t make it in person, head to watch.jamberooanglican.com to watch our livestream. To catch up on previous sermons, head to our Youtube channel youtube.jamberooanglican.com.

Coming up this weekend 13-14 February

This weekend we have Jodie McNeill speaking to us from 1 Kings 2:1-46 as we continue our new series ‘Power and Hope’ and explore ‘Executing Justice‘.

If you have any questions, simply fill out a response slip during the service, email us at office@jamberooanglican.com or send an SMS to 0439 890 086. Here are your questions that Jodie plans to answer this weekend:

1 Are the ‘bad’ kings still anointed by God?
2 If God can change his mind, how can he know the future?
3 How can we know the Bible is true?
4 Were Adam and Eve the only people around when they left the Garden?
5 Who is the ‘we’ in Romans 1:5?
6 How do our church Bible readings relate to the sermon?

Join us on Saturday at 5pm where after church we’ll have dinner together, followed by ‘Nightlife’ until 9pm for all ages.

Or join us Sunday at 9am where we’ll gather for church, and then after will have fellowship over morning tea and tasty espresso!

We have kids programs at both of our services! Join us for ‘Joeys’ (toddlers through to preschool), ‘Junior Roos’ (for school years K to 2), and ‘Senior Roos’ (for school years 3 to 6). Our service is live streamed to the TV in the hall so if you need to stay with your baby, you can still hear the sermon.

If you can’t make it in person, head to watch.jamberooanglican.com to watch our livestream. To catch up on previous sermons, head to our Youtube channel youtube.jamberooanglican.com.