If you’re planning to visit us, be sure to check out this page to find out everything you need to know as a first-timer.

Our weekend services are at 9am and 4pm Sunday at 45 Churchill Street, Jamberoo.

Coming up this weekend 2-3 March 2019

We’re banging the drum for Bolivia this weekend! (CREDIT: OpenDemocracy via Flickr)


This weekend we’re having a special South American feel, as we welcome our special friends, Adrian and Anita Lovell (along with Matias, the newest member of their family).

The Lovells serve in Cochabamba, Bolivia, which is a country in South America. They are missionaries with CMS (The Church Missionary Society) and their job is to help Christian leaders grow in their understanding of the Bible, so they can teach and influence others with the great news of Jesus.

To celebrate, we’re going to have a special Bolivia night this weekend, with special Bolivian food and trivia during our after-church dinner. So, be sure to turn up at 5pm Saturday 2nd March, and hang around for dinner, which will finish around 8pm.

During our 5pm Saturday and 9am Sunday services, Adrian Lovell will be our guest preacher, and we’ll also have a special opportunity to learn more about what these Aussies do in faraway Cochabamba!

As always, we’re also having a bunch of questions answered during our services and here they are:

  1. If church is dual-action, then should we avoid running men’s dinners, kids’ clubs and other community events?
  2. Does God speak to us through the Bible using audible voices or words on our heart, and how do we know it’s really him speaking to us?
  3. What does verse 15 mean when it speaks about singing in the Spirit?
  4. Is it good for Christians to be on social media?
  5. Are there surfing beaches in Heaven?
  6. Will there be espresso in Heaven?
  7. If there is technology in Heaven, will it be Apple or Android?

If you’ve not come before, then this is an awesome weekend to join us. Sunday’s service is a little more classic in style, and Saturday night is a little more relaxed and has a bunch of kids and youth programs happening as well. We’d really, really love to see you!

Grace and peace, Jodie.

Coming up this weekend 23-24 February 2019

We had a cracker of a time last weekend as we gathered together to encourage each other as we look forward to Jesus’ return, real soon. That was the main message of the Bible talk, and this weekend we’re considering just how it is that God is gathering more and more people into his church. In other words, it’s the topic of ‘evangelism’.

If you’re a person who already knows Jesus but is looking for a church to visit or join, then come along this weekend at 5pm on Saturday (with dinner and programs for kids and youth), or 9am on Sunday (with Lord’s Supper, espresso coffee and a more ‘classic’ Anglican styled church).

If you’re not yet a follower of Jesus, then you should definitely drop in this weekend. We’d love you to tyre-kick church and check out what makes Christians tick. Come along, feel at home, ask lots of questions, and join our family. It’s really special.

Part of church each week is our Q&A segment, where I answer the tough questions you asked me via the response slip at church or via SMS. Here are the questions lined up for this weekend:

  1. Why does Genesis 1 say that God created male and females from dust, and then in the next chapter say he created the man and then later made the woman from his rib?
  2. Why do we sing hymns when we could instead read them from the Bible in a more powerful way?
  3. Why shouldn’t we just end our lives and go to heaven to be with God right now?
  4. Since we no longer possess the actual timber cross upon which Jesus died, then do we still have any altar?
  5. Did you and Mandy visit the place in Jerusalem where Jesus died on the cross?
  6. Is there technology in heaven?

So, come along and come alive! See you Saturday or Sunday!


Coming up this weekend at church 16-17 Feb 2019

Last week was such a buzz as God is bringing more people to be a part of our village and valley church at Jamberoo Anglican… and if you’re thinking of popping in, then we’d really love you to join us.

This weekend we continue our look at our Bible talk series on how God’s building his church, as we consider what is supposed to be happening when we actually ‘do’ church. I’ll be preaching on the New Testament letter of Hebrews, chapter 10, and I’m praying it will help us understand more clearly how Jesus’ life, death, and continuing ministry turns our view of church upside down. Exciting stuff!

During our two services we’ll be having our regular ‘Q&A’ segment, and here are the questions we’ve been asked so far:

  1. Isn’t there still a distinction between the ‘pastor’ and ‘teacher’ in Ephesians 4:11?
  2. Since some pastors are weak at teaching, doesn’t this suggest that these two roles don’t go together?
  3. Did the kids of Adam and Eve get married, given that they were the only people on earth?
  4. How was God made?
  5. What would you say when someone says that God isn’t real?

So, be sure to join us this weekend, either at 5pm Saturday (with kids and youth programs and a terrific dinner together straight after), or 9am Sunday (with a classic Anglican service with espresso coffee and morning tea at the end).

We’d love to see you there! Jodie.