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Our weekend services are at 9am and 4pm Sunday at 45 Churchill Street, Jamberoo.
Coming up this weekend 23-24 March 2019
Quite a few people have mentioned that they’ve been coming to church for decades and they’ve never before heard a talk series on sex and the Song of Songs. This has meant we’ve had lots to think about and talk about as we’ve met for dinner or coffee after church. We’d love you to come along and be a part of this challenging discussion by joining us for the talk ‘True Sex is Secure’.
In particular, we’re going to be addressing some of the things that happen when the secure bonds of sex are broken. We’ll be looking at issues of rejection and abuse in relationships, and this will lead us to explore just where God is in the midst of these kinds of horrible things in life.
As part of our regular church services, we also have a question and answer time, and these are the questions I’ll be answering that you asked last weekend:
- Is it wise and helpful for Christians to visit mosques to show support after the Christchurch massacre?
- In the Song of Songs, the woman’s virginity was attractive to the man, but what about the man’s virginity?
- What advice should we give to a Christian man whose wife withholds sex from him?
- What does ‘abundant’ praise mean in the context of Song of Songs?
- What was your most romantic gesture to Mandy?
- If we sing old words in church then won’t visitors think that God is out of date?
- Shouldn’t Christians avoid non-spiritual Yoga classes because its origin is in Hinduism?
So, come along and join us either at 5pm Saturday (with kids and youth programs, and dinner for all straight after church), or 9am Sunday (with espresso over morning tea). Nearly every week we welcome someone new to our church, so if you just want to pop in and check us out then you’ll be very welcome.
Grace and peace, Jodie.
Coming up this weekend 16-17 March 2019
Well maybe it was because we were talking about sex, but last weekend was probably our biggest weekend in recent history, as we gathered in great number to hear God’s word, to pray to him, and to do it in a community of energetic, enthusiastic and loving disciples of Christ.
If you’re thinking of joining us this weekend, you’d be very, very welcome. We love it when new people come along, and we really do go out of our way to include visitors and newcomers. God is working among us to draw many people into our church, and maybe this is the weekend you’re going to experience that, first-hand?
Our topic this weekend is ‘True Sex is Honourable’, as we look at our second instalment in the four-week series on the Old Testament book, ‘The Song of Songs’. It’s going to be an important word from God about an issue that touches all of us in a real way. Don’t miss out!
Each week we have some questions from the week before that we answer. Here they are for this week:
- Where does the Bible say that slavery is wrong?
- Would you recommend Melinda Tankard Reist as a resource against child sexual trafficking?
- Is it OK for Christians to attend a yoga exercise class?
Our service times are 5pm Saturday, which caters really well for kids and youth, but still includes good numbers of people from all ages and stages. We have dinner afterwards, then they youth hang around for their group. Or, join us 9am Sunday for a classic Anglican service, which includes espresso coffee for morning tea.
Coming up this weekend 9-10 March 2019
It’s been a buzz to welcome so many new people to our church over the past few weekends, and we’d really love you to join us at 5pm Saturday or 9am Sunday.
This weekend we begin a four-week series called ‘True Sex in the Song of Songs’. We’re going to look at the book of the Bible that is dedicated to sex, and learn what God thinks about this very important part of our human life.
This week’s topic is ‘True Sex is Wonderful’, where we will see that God is far from being anti-sex… because he made sex, and he made it to be enjoyed… which is truly wonderful.
You can learn more about this week’s talk by checking out this link https://jamberooanglican.com/2019/03/08/does-god-hate-sex/
Like every week, we spend some time answering your questions from the previous weeks, and this time we’ve got some pretty meaty issues to discuss:
- Should Christians be active in protecting the Judeo-Christian virtues of our society?
- Should we use secular reasoning to engage with the world, or only Biblical arguments?
- The Bible appears to be in conflict with science, so how can we help unbelievers with this hurdle?
- What can we do to help bring an end to the sex trafficking of children?
- What is our new body going to be like in heaven?
So, join us for dinner after our 5pm Saturday service, which includes a kids’ program, with youth program after dinner. Or come at 9am Sunday for a more classic Anglican service, with some great espresso right after our service.
Grace and peace, Jodie.