The First Missionary Journey Acts 12:25-14:28 19-20 October 2019 Jodie McNeill

An idea that will change the world.

The gospel of Jesus is the greatest ____ ever.

Saul and Barnabas are sent on a _______.

They go first to the ____.

The message of Jesus is ___________!

Attempts to stop the gospel are _______.

Paul preaches the gospel to the ____.

The Jews need to ______ and be baptised.

The ____________ was planned and promised.

Forgiveness comes by ________ in Jesus.

The message of Jesus _______ the people.

After the Jews, Paul preached to the ________.

People thought Paul and Barnabas were ____.

Paul started his message with God’s ________.

There is evidence of God __________.

The Jews thought they’d stoned Paul to _____.

Paul has ____!

Don’t give up when you ______ for Jesus.

God will ultimately _______ his church.