Messiah Masterclass 20 – ‘Recognising Greatness’ – Matthew 20 – Jodie McNeill – 26 & 27 February 2022

Fair’s fair?

The kingdom of God is not ____

A landowner hires workers at the start of the ___

The landowner hires people throughout the ___

Everyone got paid the ____

The boss simply wanted to be ________

Sadly, this jealousy is ______

We have deeply-held values of ________

The story is about true _________

The greatest travesty of justice was on the _____

This parable makes us feel the _________ of Jesus

We see the heart of what is behind true ________

The Father chooses who will be _______

True greatness is found in ________

To get what you don’t deserve, follow _____

The blind men are _______

The blind men are _______ because they’ve been humbled