True Sex in the Song of Songs 4: True Sex is Committed Song of Songs 7:1-8:14 Jodie McNeill – 30 & 31 March 2019

“Love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage.”

Marriage is less ______ than before.

People seek the ________ of commitment.

Her fiancé richly _________ her body

They express their ______ for sexual union.

The woman longs to show ______ affection.

Sexual ________ is beautiful.

Enjoy sex within the __________ of marriage.

____ until the right time.

They enjoy the ________ of marriage.

Love makes a person highly __________.

They protect the _____ from the power of love.

She brings him _____.

The joy of marriage is its ___________.

The more, the _______.

There are ________ in singleness.

Singleness is not _____-_________.

Christians should marry __________.

The ultimate reality is union with ______.

Jesus can wash the most ______ sin clean.

Isn’t love grand!