Too Busy to Rest?

Will you rest with the lamb? (CREDIT: Ninian Reid via Flickr)

Our world is a busy world. People are constantly speaking about the “life-work balance”, and desiring to find ways to rest efficiently and effectively amongst education, work, sport, hobbies, and time with family.

I know more than a few of us are thankful for a good ebb and flow to the year, which includes school holidays and summer.

Even in our churches, we take a bit of a break from programs and school Scripture.

Yet though life looks very different for the Godhead, and looked different here on earth for Jesus, we see examples from the Almighty of rest! 

God rested on the seventh day after he made the world we live in (Gen 2:2-3), though I am sure for him it was not tiresome work.

And Jesus we have seen sleeping in a boat (Matt 8:23, Mark 4:38), taking time to pray in solitude (Luke 5:16, 6:12-13, 22:39-4), and directing his disciples to take time away from crowds and busy days of ministry to rest (Mark 6:31-32).

Often we look at rest as time to watch TV as a family, to sleep in, get a cuppa, or maybe take a surf.

Qoheleth in Ecclesiastes reminds people in a world where all is vapour to eat, drink, and be merry (Ecc 8:15) so we can know that it is good and right to take time to do these things, for they are part of enjoying life, which God really wants us to do.

But we not must forget where ultimate rest is found: in Christ (Matt 11:28-30).

If we are turning to Christ for rest, we must also be sure that we are turning towards his word, for we know that Jesus is the word of God (John 1:1) and that he has gifted us with his scriptures to assist us in living holy lives.

And of course we can look forward to perfectly dwelling with Christ in eternity as we enter his final rest when he returns (Heb 4).