Is Greta Right?
This week the speech of a 16-year-old Swedish girl was a leading news story as Greta Thunberg addressed the UN Climate Action Summit.
In her powerful speech, she strongly criticised the leaders of the world, accusing them of prioritising wealth and economic growth over action to address climate change.
You are failing us. But the young people are starting to understand your betrayal. The eyes of all future generations are upon you. And if you choose to fail us I say we will never forgive you.
Greta Thunberg
Yet, have politicians been negligent in the face of a catastrophic global crisis, or are they acting reasonably in response to limited resources and competing priorities?
The Bible does not specifically address the issue of climate change, but God tells us that we should “tend and watch over” his creation he made for us.
However, we all naturally drift towards selfishness and greed as we reject the loving rule of God and our responsibility to rule under his leadership.
The only way we can escape God’s judgement is to acknowledge our failures and make a fresh start by trusting Jesus and accepting the forgiveness that comes his death.
And as we rightly acknowledge God’s good rule over the world, we will then seek to take care of his creation, by avoiding selfishness and greed, and instead caring for others by preserving our planet.
There is no doubt that Greta’s criticisms have some merit, as we have seen tragic acts of environmental abuse from human greed and selfishness.
Yet, we must never forget that the greatest human crisis is the coming judgement by God, and so we must not lose focus on the need to share the good news of Jesus far and wide, knowing that this world will ultimately fade away.