Jesus is the light John 8:12-20 Jodie McNeill 21-22 March 2020
Things we take for granted.
_____ is part of everyday life.
Jesus says he is the _____ of the world.
Jesus makes a real __________ in life.
The Pharisees don’t _______ Jesus.
God ___ Moses and his people with light.
The Lord God is ______ the light.
God’s people were promised a light who would ____.
When Jesus says he is the light, he claims to be ___.
They rejected Jesus because they didn’t ____ God.
Jesus offers us _________ in the dark.
Jesus leads us by giving us __________.
The light can bring _________.
It can be _______ when we step into Jesus’ light.
Jesus gives us this new life if we ______ him.
The light of Jesus acts as a ____________.
Living in the light of Jesus brings us ________.
Living in the life of Jesus ______ us from our sins.
He died for us, in our _____.
The blood of Jesus ________ us.
Heavenly Father,
you have loved us with an everlasting love,
but we have often gone our own way,
and rejected your will for our lives.
We are sorry for our sins
and turn away from them.
For the sake of your Son who died for us,
forgive us, cleanse us, and change us.
By your Holy Spirit, enable us to live for you,
and to please you in every way,
for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen